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Replacing mov with TIFF sequence dosen't match

New Here ,
Apr 19, 2024 Apr 19, 2024

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Hello! I am currently facing the following problem:


I was cropping all my TIFF sequences in AE and planned to edit them in Premiere later. I created a sequence in Premiere from proxies (MOV files) that I later tried to replace with TIFF sequences rendered from After Effects at 24fps. The problem is that the mov is longer than the TIFF sequence even though it was rendered from the same After Effects sequence with the same frame rate. What could possibly go wrong?

Here is a demonstration of the time difference between the mov footage and the TIFF sequence:

Screenshot 2024-04-19 155328.png

note: the mov and the TIFF are stretched to 50% to achieve a 12fps rate.


Here this is how it looks when I replace the mov with the TIFF sequence:

Screenshot 2024-04-19 161910.png

note: the mov is time stretched 50% to make it 12fps.


Thank in advance!

Error or problem , How to , Import and export






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