Scaling with ease not working
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Hi all,
I'm scaling some text from very large (2000%) down to 100%. Trouble is that the easing doesn't work when I do it. I have tried precomping the text, attaching it to a null and playing with the point size, but nothing has helped. I tried doing a smaller scale and it works just fine, so it appears to be something related to the size. Any thoughts?
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Hi @Ambigram237,
Thanks for the question, and welcome to the forums. It's working OK on my system. Can you try a new project or another font? See if that works. Sorry for the trouble.
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Some screen shots or a screen capture would be helpful to help troubleshoot this.
A coupld of questions I have:
How are you animating the text with the layer's Scale property or with a text animator?
What is the duration of your animation?
How are you adding easing?
I just tried a basic text scale (using the layer's Scale property) over 1 second and I couldn't replicate the problem you are having.