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Is there a way to take a precomp and eliminate it and simultaneously move all the elements within it up stream to the parent composition while maintaining all keyframe data?
Funny enough, I've never had to do this until now, but another way to ask this is: can one simply move items out of a precomp into its parent?
Thanks forum.
1 Correct answer
Depending on how complex your nested (pre-comp) is you may be able to just select all of the layers in the nested comp, copy them, then paste in the new comp. You'll have to pay attention the the position of the CTI. Otherwise, invest in the script.
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first link i googled unprecompose

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Yeah, $29.95 for a function that ought to be a default feature in After Effects. No thank you.
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Yeah, I con't believe in addition to the already expensive software, you havce to buy a simpy and necessary feature that should already be in there.
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the $29.99 is just a suggested price, you can pay $1 or download it for free if you like
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I typed in 0 for the price and downloaded it for free.
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Depending on how complex your nested (pre-comp) is you may be able to just select all of the layers in the nested comp, copy them, then paste in the new comp. You'll have to pay attention the the position of the CTI. Otherwise, invest in the script.

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Well, since all of the layers in the original collapsed into a single layer called a precomp, I can't open the layers because they don't exist anymore. Unless there's a secret trick you're holding back
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If you double click the precomp it will open a seperate composistion containing all the layers.
from there you can copy them and paste them into the original comp, hope this helps
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If you do just copy/paste keep in mind that AE pastes layers in the order that they were selected. So make sure to select them top to bottom.
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First, make sure the parent composition that contains the precomposition is open in your workspace.
In your timeline or composition panel, locate the precomposition you want to remove elements from. It will appear as a single layer in the parent composition.
To access the individual layers inside the precomposition, you'll need to expand it. In most software, you can do this by clicking on the little triangle or arrow next to the precomposition layer.
Select the Elements: Inside the precomposition, select the layers or elements you want to move out. You can use Shift or Ctrl (Cmd on Mac) to select multiple layers.
After selecting the elements, copy them. You can usually do this by right-clicking and choosing "Copy" or using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + C).
Go back to the parent composition by clicking on its tab or selecting it from your composition list.
In the parent composition, paste the elements you copied earlier. You can do this by right-clicking and choosing "Paste" or using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl/Cmd + V).
After pasting the elements, you may need to adjust their timing to match the desired point in your parent composition. This is where you'll need to make sure the keyframes line up as in traffic rider mod apk as needed. You can do this by moving the layers on the timeline or using the time-remapping tools available in your software.
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AEUX has an "un-precomp" button which works like magic.
It's a free plugin to import Figma files to After Effects. It's like Overlord but for Figma.
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Another solution is to use AEUX a free script extension for AE