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VR Converter shrinking final video size

Community Beginner ,
Apr 04, 2024 Apr 04, 2024

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I am trying to convert a fisheye video to equirectangular using VR Converter, but when I set my options it seems to half the size of the output? I am more familiar with premier pro, and when performing a similar operation using the EOS R5 VR plugin, the size of the output remains the same as the input, so I didn't think 50% of the scale should be lost during this operation - is there something simple I'm overlooking?


The Left fisheye lens video is 4122x4336 originally and after VR converter is exported at 4122x2056 (but with half of the 4122 as a black border - so in other words, essentially 2056x2056).




I can fake it back to the right level by scaling it by 200% but I'm presuming that will have lost some quality because it's still a 2056x2056 image that has just been scaled 200%?


If I remove VR converter it does take up the whole canvas:


I don't understand why it's adding a border and reducing the size 50%!


Thanks for any help!

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