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Why does the Turbulent Displace effect pixelate vector graphics in 3D comps?

Enthusiast ,
Sep 07, 2024 Sep 07, 2024

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The Turbulent Displace is one of my favorite effects. But my problem with that effect is how it behaves on shape layers in 3D comps withh null-parented cameras. I'm told I should pre-comp the shape layer that has the Turbulent Displace effect applied. But if I do that, what happens in the null-parented camera 3D comp scene is that the precomped shape layer now loses resolution and becomes quite pixelated as I dolly into the shape. The only way to avoid this is to turn on the rasterization button " * " for that layer. But this then changes the layer's shape:


Screenshot 2024-09-07 at 10.08.55 AM.pngScreenshot 2024-09-07 at 10.09.06 AM.pngScreenshot 2024-09-07 at 10.09.14 AM.png 

I'd like to be able to zoom in / dolly in on the shape layer without it losing resolution. But if I do that through the rasterization button, not only does this alter the layer's actual shape but doing so causes the Turbulent Displace effect to shake/wobble independently:





Does anyone know of any plugin alternative to AE's native "Turbulent Displace" that won't cause a shape layer to lose resolution in a 3D comp when zooming in or scaling up? Thank you in advance. 

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