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Preserving layer size of original import of PSD and AI

Contributor ,
Nov 19, 2023 Nov 19, 2023

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I use AI ot PSD files a lot in after effects. (generally it is a good combo).

There are two ways to bring in a comp. Retain later size and document size (as I am sure you are aware)

But I come up against this problem a lot where I have an ai document in layers linked in after-effects and I need to change the size of a layer in illustrator. This makes the graphics appear to shift in after effects, because the size of the layer has changed. After effects will only keep the pivot where it is even if the graphic has changed. 


As I understand it you can re import the illustrator file and the graphics will remain as designed, and you can them re-assimilate into the scene. by pasting the position and anchors from the new import. But if you have 100s of layers this can be a be of a problem.


Is there anyway adobe could look at this problem and give some sort of option where the original import layer size is remembered? Maybe there is something already that exhist which I'm missing? 

Best regards


Idea No status
Compositing and VFX , Import and export






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