Here's a simple feature request suggestion that could be pretty useful:
Imagine you've created hundreds of loops and rendered them from many multiple/unique AE projects over weeks or months. And then you've been working with just the finished rendered movies in a different AEP that is no longer associated with the original source AEPs which generated each of the rendered loops.
Next you want clean up that mess and re-associate all of the renders with the source comps from the different projects that created them all in a combined AEP. Now (assuming your rendered movies had "include project link" enabled) instead of using the "Edit Original" command to open up the original projects one at a time — the requested feature is — adding "Replace with AEP" to the "Replace Footage" dropdown menu as an option to replace the footage item with a folder containing the original AEP that initially created the render...
The utility of this feature would save a few steps that is especially helpful when optimizing big projects — instead of having to locate a bunch of different AEPs one at a time — this would allow them to be consolidated in a single action within the PARENT AEP without disrupting or altering the original AEPs.