Here is what I dream about for "Rotobrush 3":
1) It becomes as accurate as Photoshop's Quick Selection Tool. The QST is so freaking good at picking out exactly the areas I want. I wish Rotobrush was even close.
2) Pencil & Pen drawing tools like Photoshop that can add or remove an area to the selection. When I'm staring at a shape I can draw but Roto wants to grab half the frame instead, I can draw around the shape and Roto will add (or subtract) it to the selection and be able to propogate it on successive frames.
3) User-selectable regions for freezing instead of an all-or-nothing like we have now. I know it'll be a little tricky to freeze just some frames between the Roto origin and an end, but I have faith you can do it.
- DK