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My Starling application crashes in iOS device (version 9.3.1) with error
exception, information=ArgumentError: Error #3672: Buffer creation failed. Internal error.
I also tested a blank Starling project with a single Quad on stage. That did not produce the error, but the quad only quickly shows and then the screen goes black.
My application and the blank test project both work perfectly in Emulator.
My app and test project work as expected in the test device when using Air 23.
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Hi Jarkko,
I tried reproducing the same problem using a sample project and AIRSDK 24 Beta.
But I am not able to reproduce the problem. I tested a sample starling project on iOS 9.2.1(iPad Pro), 9.3.1 (iPhone 6 plus) and 10.x (iPhone 6).
It will be very helpful for us if you can share a sample project to reproduce the same problem at our end.
Adobe AIR Team
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Thank you. Here's the test project that goes black after quickly showing a red rectangle:
As you can see, there's nothing special in it.
Libraries / SDK:
Computer used:
Test devices:
It makes no difference if I use standard or fast packaging.
Is there some other info that could be useful?
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Hi Jarkko,
I have created a sample Flash Builder Project using the code that you provided in a test project. Please find my sample application at below location:
I have tested the sample Project keeping below development environment:
Computer Used: Mac Book Pro (10.12.1)
Device Used: iPhone 6 Plus ( iOS 9.3)
iPad AIR 1 (iOS 8.4.1)
iPad AIR 2 (iOS 9.3.5)
IDE : Adobe Flash Builder
Starling 2.1 SWC
It works fine on all the devices at my end. Please find the attached project and package the swf and application file using command line and run it on the different devices at your end.
Kindly share results with us. It will help us for further investigation.
Adobe AIR Team
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With the sample application you provided I'm still getting exactly the same behavior (screen shows a fraction of a second and then goes black) when compiling through the following commands with Air 24 Beta:
mxmlc -library-path+=../../bin/starling.swc +configname=airmobile ./
adt -package -target ipa-ad-hoc -provisioning-profile [mobileprovision file] -storetype pkcs12 -keystore [keystore file] -storepass [password] StarlingSample.ipa StarlingSample-app.xml StarlingSample.swf
adt -installApp -platform ios -package StarlingSample.ipa
When using exact same commands using Air SDK version it works as expected.
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Hi Jarkko,
I also tried packaging the same application on Mac Book Pro (10.11) Machine but couldn't reproduce.
Could you please confirm which Java version you are using at your end?
Adobe AIR Team
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Could you please confirm which Java version you are using at your end?
Running "java -version" in terminal returns:
java version "1.6.0_65"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_65-b14-468-11M4828a)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.65-b04-468, mixed mode)
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I also tried with the newest java version, with same result.
java version "1.8.0_112"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_112-b16)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.112-b16, mixed mode)
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Hi Jarkko,
We are continuously trying to reproduce the bug at our end.
When I run your sample code at my end, I get below red rectangle. Is it the expected behavior?
Kindly share your swf and app.xml file using which you are reproducing the issue at your end. And it will also be very helpful if you can share a video with us showing the exact issue.
Adobe AIR Team
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Yes, that is the expected behavior. Here's a package made with Air 24 including the source, swf and app.xml Dropbox -
Did you notice that I already shared generated swf and IPA files made with Air 23 (working) and Air 24 (not working) privately with you before? Could re-sign the non-working ipa and try reproducing the bug in your device?
Here's a video recording of the bug:
The (stylish) green color is the stage color and the red is starling quad.
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deesharm​ some additional info:
So basically we can assume that the problem is with adt and how app is packaged as ipa.
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Hi JarSyr,
Thanks for sharing the information. I would suggest you to recompile your application code with latest AIR 24 Beta Build.
Please try above combination and let us know if the bug still persists at your end.
Adobe AIR Team
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It appears that updating the SDK to did not help.
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Still same problem with latest Beta SDK ( from Nov 11th).
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iPhone 6 works well.
iPhone 5 and iPad mini goes into black screen right after app started.
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I can reproduce the issue JarSyr​ reported, both with the sample project as well as other Starling powered project - the screen goes black shortly after showing the initial content. I used the latest AIR beta on iPad 3 (iOS 8.4) and iPhone 4s (iOS 9.3.5)
Using AIR 23 works just fine.
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You can reproduce the error on lower end iOS devices.
iPhone 6 works. No error.
iPhone 4S:
ArgumentError: Error #3672: Buffer creation failed. Internal error.
at flash.display3D::Context3D/createVertexBuffer()
at starling.rendering::VertexData/createVertexBuffer()
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My app is crashing the same way
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Hi Miguel,
Could you please share the development environment that you are keeping at your end?
Adobe AIR Team
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java version "1.8.0_111"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-b14)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.111-b14, mixed mode)
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Same problem here with Beta SDK
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Also seeing this issue. On the latest beta SDK.
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Hello. I have the same bug with latest beta SDK.
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When I use the Beta SDK to build my app and run it in my iphone5C, it is crashing and showing black screen. It seems the same problem to others. But my app in the iphone6/6S/7 is well.
And when I used SDK 23 to build my app, it is all right in my iphone5c and other iphones.
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I also tried AIR SDK
My iphone5c and ipad2 still show black screen, but have not got the error in flash builder and the background music is still playing. It meens only can not show but others are well.
And it has relationship with the device, iphone6/6s/7 are showing well.