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Hi Air SDK Team,
AIR 29 step forward for Geolocation servieces. Thank you.
Because now on iOS 11 developers must include both of keys allowWhenInUsage and allowAlwaysAndWhenInUsage,
users in most cases chose allowWhenInUsage.
In this case it is impossible to ensure a long continuous operation of GPS in the background, becase after 10 minutes when user don't change position iOS suspend geolocation services. It's happened becase pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically = true by default.
More details: pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically - CLLocationManager | Apple Developer Documentation
Please add for AIR developers access to this settings.
It's very important for our navigation apps.
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Thanks for reporting this. We request you to please log a bug for this in
Once added, please post back with the URL so that others affected can add their comments and votes.
Krati | Adobe AIR Engineering
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