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Hi all,
Harman has released Air SDK on their website:
This is the announcement mail:
Hi all
Just to let you know we have a new release available on which provides a number of key bug fixes, for example:
There are also some ‘experimental’ updates which you are welcome to try out:
Adobe recently updated the Animate tool so this now includes a UI setting for ARMv8 APK generation. We’ll be asking them to also add support for x86_64 and the Android App Bundle format! currently the only way to do the App Bundle format is via the command line ADT tool.
There are still a few issues that remain with the current release, one of the key ones being the installation of IPA files onto iOS-13 based devices. Apple have been changing how they do things and this is somewhat undocumented, so we’re looking into this still and seeing if there are alternative mechanisms we could use. Currently, applications should be installed via XCode (on MacOS) or an old version of iTunes (on PC).
Our next goal is to bring out proper support for the other platforms and we are hoping that this will be ready as a beta release of AIR 33.1 at the end of this month. We’d then want to focus in December on fixing any critical and high-priority issues to get a full 33.1 release out before Christmas. We’re then looking forward to working more on updates, new features and bug fixes to help the developer community into 2020 – it’s been great hearing some of the stories of what people are creating with Adobe AIR, and we appreciate the support from the ecosystem which we hope will continue for a long while yet!
many thanks
Andrew + team