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I wasted a lot of time trying to rebuild an ANE after format my Mac and install the most updated version of my tools.
The problem was that ANE for Android requires specific Java 6 and only Java 7 and 8 (the most recent version) are available for Mac.
Ultimate I was able to download a version of JDK 6 from Apple web site however this is not the desire solution.
Btw I'm using Flex 4.14.1 + AIR 17.
Please update AIR to support Java 8 !
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Hi Hferreira,
Can you tell us which Java version did you use, and at what point of ANE packaging (or any other step) you faced the problem ?
Adobe AIR Team
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Hi tdwivedi,
"Can you tell us which Java version did you use"
Tried with Java 8, them Java 7 from official Oracle setups.
"what point of ANE packaging (or any other step) you faced the problem"
At runtime of Android AIR (complains like if there is no native code).
Install Java 6 from Apple web site and point the compiler to that specific version.
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We tried reproducing it with Adobe Vibration ANE, but found it to work correctly with Java 1.7 .
We will need some more information to reproduce this issue at our end.
Can you provide a sample ANE code in which you can reproduce this error with the steps to reproduce it, for example your device information, development environment (IDE etc) and the ADT command used to package the ane.
We will try few other ANEs to see if it gets reproduced, by the time, I would suggest you to log a bug in Adobe Bugbase (Here‌) regarding this issue with above information, for more efficient tracking of the issue.
- Tushar Dwivedi,
Adobe AIR Team
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OS: Mac OSX 10.10
IDE: IntelliJ (last production version)
Java 7 and 8 from Oracle website
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Build script (exactly as it is, except the name of the ANE and also a thirty party JAR library):
# path to Android SDK
export AIR_ANDROID_SDK_HOME="/Volumes/Data/SDK/Android/"
# path to Flex SDK ADT tool
echo "****** preparing ANE package sources *******"
rm build/MyAne.ane
rm -rf ./build
mkdir -p ./build
mkdir -p ./build/Android-ARM
mkdir -p ./build/Android-ARM/res
mkdir -p ./build/Android-x86
mkdir -p ./build/Android-x86/res
mkdir -p ./build/default
# copy resources
cp -R ./Source/Android/res/* ./build/Android-ARM/res
cp -R ./Source/Android/res/* ./build/Android-x86/res
# create the JAR file
jar cf ./build/Android-ARM/MyAne.jar -C ./Source/Android/bin .
jar cf ./build/Android-x86/MyAne.jar -C ./Source/Android/bin .
# extract the content of the external jar file
rm -rf ./OtherLibrary
mkdir ./OtherLibrary
cd OtherLibrary
jar -xf ../Source/Android/libs/OtherLibraryFree.jar
cd ..
# add the content of the external jar file
jar uf ./build/Android-ARM/OtherLibrary.jar ./OtherLibrary/android
jar uf ./build/Android-ARM/OtherLibrary.jar ./OtherLibrary/other
jar uf ./build/Android-x86/OtherLibrary.jar ./OtherLibrary/android
jar uf ./build/Android-x86/OtherLibrary.jar ./OtherLibrary/other
# grab the extension descriptor and SWC library
cp ./Source/AIR/src/extension.xml ./build/
cp ./Source/AIR/bin/*.swc ./build/
unzip ./build/*.swc -d ./build
mv ./build/library.swf ./build/Android-ARM
cp ./build/Android-ARM/library.swf ./build/Android-x86
cp ./build/Android-ARM/library.swf ./build/default
echo "****** creating ANE package *******"
"$ADT" -package -target ane \
build/MyAne.ane \
./build/extension.xml \
-swc ./build/*.swc \
-platform Android-ARM -C ./build/Android-ARM/ . \
-platform Android-x86 -C ./build/Android-x86/ . \
-platform default -C ./build/default library.swf
echo "****** ANE package created *******"
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"work correctly with Java 1.7"?
It will compile all right,but it will cause error when runtime.I have changed the JDK to 6,then no error on runtime.