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Android Textfield Autcompletion completely messed up

Advocate ,
Jul 14, 2015 Jul 14, 2015

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I am trying to track down an issue with Android Textfields for quite a while now. I verified the behavior in Air and Air on several devices. A combination of autocompletion and displayAsPassword textfields is completely broken but behaves very differently on different devices. This is the setup:

A common login popup: 2 input Textfields, one plain text (TF1), one with displayAsPassword as true (TF2), testing happens exclusively in portrait mode

On the Samsung S3 with Android 4.3:

- I start to enter text in TF1 and click on an autocomplete suggestion

- I switch to TF2 and type one letter. The textfield prints TWO letters, a leading space and the letter I typed

On the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 with Android 4.2.2

- I start to enter text in TF1 and click on an autocomplete suggestion

- The text in TF1 with the autocomplete suggestion is filled in, but an additional space is appended

- Interaction with TF2 is fine

On the Fairphone 1 with Android 4.2.2:

- I start to enter text in TF1 and click on an autocomplete suggestion

- I type some text into TF2

- I switch focus from TF2 to TF1 and back to TF2

- I am unable to delete any text from TF2, I assume some sort of lock condition resulting from the autocompletion

- In rare cases, I see the same leading space upon typing in TF2 as on the Samsung S3

Additionally, I have a hard time setting the focus in Textfields that have text to the end of the texts. Usually I can only set the focus in front of the first letter, making it impossible to delete existing texts.

I have uploaded my test build here: There are 4 textfields, 2 in a designed login popup with embedFonts and 2 plain textfields created by code. There is no difference in behavior.


I created a bug report here:

Bug#4020635 - Android Textfields Autocompletion completely messed up

Thanks for your support

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