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Hi Adobe team,
I have made many apps for iOS & Android. And I'm facing 1st time an issue only in Air for iOS. Air for Android is working perfectly fine. What I'm facing that
even after using this code:
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
I am seeing black strips top & bottom of my app. Then I downloaded new SDK that is Air SDK 21.0 but same issue 😕 Please tell me ASAP why is it happening ?
Thank you
Hi Saad Aftab,
I tried with the attached project that you shared.
So This problem could be resolved if you add launch images in your project.
Please try publishing the application after giving the launch images. The application will launch on full screen and there will be no black strips if you have already set the parameter "<fullScreen>true</fullScreen>" in app.xml.
Please let me know if you face any further problem.
Adobe AIR Team
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Hi Saad,
Can you explain the issue in detail?
Which version of SDK you are facing this issue is and what the issue exactly is? A sample app if possible.
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You can see clearly it's not full screen Why ? I'm working on Animate CC 2015, Air for iOS 21.0, iMac.
​It's never happen before.
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I also had the same kind of problem while developing a game but after making certain changes in design I was able to fix the issue using AIR 22 and stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
Could you please share a sample project so that we can further look into the issue at our end.
Adobe AIR Team
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It's not about stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
Let me use Air 22.0
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Yes, Please check it once with AIR 22 and let us know.
If problem still persist, Please share a sample project so that we can further look into it.
Adobe AIR Team
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Kindly check project files. I have tried Air 22.0 but same issue "sad"
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why are you guys not replying ???
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Hi Saad Aftab,
I tried with the attached project that you shared.
So This problem could be resolved if you add launch images in your project.
Please try publishing the application after giving the launch images. The application will launch on full screen and there will be no black strips if you have already set the parameter "<fullScreen>true</fullScreen>" in app.xml.
Please let me know if you face any further problem.
Adobe AIR Team
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Hey I am facing same issue, Can you please guide me on how to add launch images for air ios app?
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Hi Laraib,
You just need to add the launch images at the time of packaging.
The following images of different dimensions with a particular naming convention need to be packaged with IPA for different iOS devices:
Please try publishing the application after giving the launch images. The application will launch on full screen and there will be no black strips if you have already set the parameter "<fullScreen>true</fullScreen>" in app.xml.
Adobe AIR Team
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Should only add these images in publish settings?
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Yes , you just need to add all the images in publish setting.
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I have added all these images and it appeared as splash screen as well. Thank you but problem is still there.It is still not showing although I have enabled full screen true? any idea
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Hi Laraib,
It will be a great help for us if you can share a sample project. It will be helpful for further investigation.
Please share the AIRSDK and iOS version that you are using at your end.
Adobe AIR Team
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Copied is my air sdk version and I am using iphone sdk 9.3 How can I share project? Can tell? Should share first .fla file?
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Hi Laraib,
You can share your project via Dropbox or you can mail me directly.
Adobe AIR Team
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What should I do for iphone landscape phone mode?
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I have like this problem
I add
<fullScreen>true</fullScreen> in app.xml
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT;
my sdk is 26
no change
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any help please
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Hi have you resolve this issue? Im facing the same issue now. HELP GUYS!
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Open LaunchImage.launchimage and change the default launch images with your own using the proper resolution for each image (e.g., Default-568h@2x.png should be 640px x 1136px). If your images have different file names then open Contents.json and change the key filename
for each image.
iPhone 1g-3Gs | 320x480 | Default.png |
iPhone 4, 4s | 640x960 | Default@2x.png |
iPhone 5, 5c, 5s | 640x1136 | Default-568h@2x.png |
iPhone 6s - 8 | 750x1334 | Default-667h@2x.png |
iPhone 6s Plus - 8 Plus | 1242x2208 | Default-736h@3x.png |
iPhone X | 1125px × 2436px | Default-1125h.png |
iPhone X Landscape | 2436px × 1125px | Default-Landscape-X.png |
iPad, iPad 2, Mini | 768x1024 | Default-Portrait.png |
iPad Landscape | 1024x768 | Default-Landscape.png |
iPad Retina | 1536x2048 | Default-Portrait@2x.png |
12.9" iPad Pro | 2048x1536 | Default-Landscape@2x.png |
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It would be great if this was automated a bit like the icons. Having to manually edit .xml files and .json files is supper annoying.