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create links in AS3 with PHP

Contributor ,
Jan 12, 2016 Jan 12, 2016

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I've got this code that retrieve data from my SQL Data Base into my AS3 code.

My table (data base) has this rows : "id", "title", "price", "information", "mail".

In my AS3 code I loaded "title".

Php Code :

while (

$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result))

{ $theTitle = $row["theTitle "];

$phptheTitle= $phptheTitle.' </br> '.$theTitle ;

echo  "phptheTitle=" . $phptheTitle;


AS3 code :

var myResult:String = evt.target.data.phptheTitle;

output_txt.htmlText = myResult;

So my output_txt is displaying all items in the row "title".

Now, is it possible to create a link for each title(in AS3) ? In order to display "price", "information", "mail" when we click on the title(each title has their own "price", "information" and "mail", contain in my database).

Exemple : The AS3 code displays "Computer". When I click on "ipod Touch" it displays "price", "information" and "mail" that is contains in my database.

Here's a short video of what I'd like to do : http://sendvid.com/whdm4sjf







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Community Beginner ,
Jan 12, 2016 Jan 12, 2016

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Hi, you can easily construct an array or an object in your PHP code and give it back to your flash/air app using JSON.

PHP Code :

$obj = array();

while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result) )


     $datas = array();

     $datas['title'] = $row["theTitle"];

     $datas['price'] = $row["thePrice"];


     //... add all datas you want

     $obj[] = $datas;


echo json_encode( array('products' => $obj) );

AS3 code :

var myResult  :String = evt.target.data;

var datas     :Object = JSON.parse( myResult );

var products  :Array = datas && datas.products ? datas.products : [];

// now you have all your products information in the products Array

// lets trace products informations

var len:int = products.length;

for( var i:int = 0; i<len; ++i )


     trace( products.title, products.price );






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Contributor ,
Jan 13, 2016 Jan 13, 2016

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Thank you very much for this complete answer ! I've just two questions :

First, when I test this code, I've code this

error : SyntaxError: Error #1132: Invalid JSON parse input.

What do you think is the problem ?

Secondly, if I want to display only "price" of the product on which I clicked (and not all the prices of all the products), how can I do that ?

Thx again,





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 13, 2016 Jan 13, 2016

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1 - Please add a trace of evt.target.data, it would be better for seeing what's wrong

2 - Here a simple example how to show the good data for the good text clicked:

var myResult :String = evt.target.data;

var datas    :Object = JSON.parse( myResult );

var products :Array = datas && datas.products ? datas.products : [];

// now you have all your products information in the products Array

// create a vector of TextField for keeping your products labels somewhere

var labels:Vector.<TextField> = new <TextField>[];

// looping into all products to create the labels

var len :int = products.length;

var txt :TextField;

for( var i:int = 0; i<len; ++i )


  // create the textfield

  txt        = new TextField();

  txt.width  = 200;

  txt.height  = 40;

  // set the label

  txt.text    = products.title;

  // place it under the previous

  txt.y      = i*45;

  // add it to the stage

  addChild( txt );

  // add MouseEvent.CLICK listener

  txt.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onProductClick );

  // add it to the texts vector

  labels.push( txt )


// the on product click listener

function onProductClick( e:MouseEvent ):void


  // get the id of the product in the texts vector

  var id:int = labels.indexOf( e.target );

  // verify that id is found

  if( id != -1 )


    // get the price of this product

    var price:String = products[id].price;

    // now you have the price you can do what you want with it

    trace('item', id,'selected : ', products[id].title, price);



I hope this could help you





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