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i have created new certificates (development), provisioning profiles(development), keystore, ... the id is definitvely in the mobile provisioning file , I think I have tried everything I found in this forum but still don't get an app from Intellj Idea working on a connected iPhone7.
Are there any checklists, tipps and tricks, ... to find out what the problem could be...?
I am using the latest AIR SDK with Apache Flex...
Would be happy for any hint
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Are you using push notifications in your app? Note that you have to switch in the application.xml between developer and release mode as well when using them:
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Are you using push notifications in your app?
Yes, we are using the ANEs for Push Notifications from Distriqt.
Note that you have to switch in the application.xml between developer and release mode as well ..
Yes, I have switched to developer mode:
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Okay... found it ...
left the following while testing various combinations and that was the problem: