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Hi everyone,
i tried to submit an external Beta (testflight) build to IOS, and got it rejected many times, cause when they test it, all connections fail.
They mention in the bug report :
Apps are reviewed on an IPv6 network. Please ensure that your app supports IPv6 networks, as IPv6 compatibility is required.
So i think it's because of that.
I tried to re-submit by adding this to the iphone / InfoAdditions node
which is supposed to disable the "ipv6" requirement, but it didn't change anything, request failed on their side.
2 questions :
- is there a way i can simulate / test this on my side, so i don't need to make a submission and wait 24 hours for each tests
- What should i do to make it work on a IPv6 network ?
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Which version of AIR are you using? IPv6 support was added some time ago.
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I'm using AIR 22 beta.
But i know the server to which i'm making http request is not handling IPv6. And i have no possibility to make it support it.
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You are able to type in some notes for the reviewer, where you could explain the problem. Does your app do requests to any other server? Or could it, just so that you can tell the reviewers to try that feature to show that you're supporting IPv6?
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My app also makes call to the Google+ rest api and to Facebook graph api,
Yeah, indeed i could try to explain him in the reviewer note my problem, and beg him to let it go through
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What client network libraries are you using in the app to make the requests? Again, it is not whether your servers are IPv6 but whether the client network code you are using works in a IPv6 NAT64 network where your mobile app thinks everything is IPv6 (even your IPv4 server)
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I use
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And you are using hostnames for your access and not IPv4 dot notation addresses ("")?
If it is only URLLoader use I guess it would be confirming with Adobe how they implement things in iOS AIR runtime.
If it is a problem with URLLoader you should definitely be able to confirm this yourself with a local NAT64 hosting, maybe you know a Mac user friend to try it out.
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Yeah, i use many ANE
But the reviewer showed me a screenshot of the bug he encountered, it was from the signup screen, he had a network error message. So he could not execute any ANE at this point, only a basic URLLoader request to my server for the signup.
Yeah, i'm using hostname, and not IPv4 addresses.
I'm gonna dig into the local NAT64 hosting on PC, or try it with a friend's Mac as you suggested.
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Hi flashysquirrel​,
I can confirm that URLLoader work perfectly with IPv6 network. We tried this API at our end with the IPv6 only network and it worked well.
I also suggest you to see if the ANE you are using supports IPv6.
If you want to test your app in IPv6 , please follow the below apple link to create a local IPv6 only environment.
Supporting IPv6 DNS64/NAT64 Networks
Let us know if you have more queries on this.
Adobe AIR.
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I confirm that IPv6 works now, with no further change, apple finally accepted my build, i don't exactly understand what was the problem in the first place.
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Does HTTPService supports ipv6 as well ?
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NSAppTransportSecurity is about https support it is not related to the ipv6 requirements. It will not disable ipv6 requirements from Apple.
Watch the first 15 minutes of this WWDC 2015 video:
It shows how you can setup a local IpV6 network for your device testing with your Mac and some common sources of ipv6 problems.
The issue also isn't necessarily directly related to your server being ipv6, but that the app will work on an ipv6 only network.
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For the local IPv6 network, is there any solution for a PC user ?
So, the request i make with URLLoader, without any specific configuration, and without any specific manifest additions should work on an IPv6 network ? Or should the server be configured for IPv6 ? i'm a little confused about what they expect ...
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flashysquirrel wrote:
For the local IPv6 network, is there any solution for a PC user ?
I don't know about NAT64 internet hosting software for PCs like what OS X supports but that is what you would want to try and research.
So, the request i make with URLLoader, without any specific configuration, and without any specific manifest additions should work on an IPv6 network ? Or should the server be configured for IPv6 ? i'm a little confused about what they expect ...
A few people have said AIR is already IPv6 compliant (can't say for sure myself) so if you are exclusively using URLLoader for all your network access? Then it would be up to the AIR iOS implementation to ensure IPv6 compatibility.
Are you using any ANEs at all? You would need to check them for any network code.
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Im passing through this experience here, but im using NO ane, just NONE. my app just requests normal https urls to get DB datas , write or read...
how can I fix it?
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My app does not have ANES.. just url requests look an example from first request:
public static var urlPath:String = "";
loader = new URLLoader ;
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
varSend = new URLRequest(Main.urlPath + "php/check_dashboard.php");
variables = new URLVariables ;
variables.horarioCount = Main.selHorario
variables.userId = Main.userId;
varSend.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = variables;
What should I do to apple accept my binary, without all this bullshiet about IPV6?
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Your issue isn't at all related to IPv6. Your issue sounds like you are not using NSAppTransportSecurity settings (a different Apple requirement).
Your first post said "my app just requests normal https urls" but in your second example, you are not using https:, you are using http:, so unless you added NSAppTransportSecurity settings, your http: requests will fail (nothing to do with the IPv6 discussion above).
Check the other NSAppTransportSecurity threads for details on NSAppTransportSecurity.
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Having same rejection:
We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on iPad and iPhone running iOS 9.3.5 on Wi-Fi connected to an IPv6 network. Specifically, when navigating to any tab no content is produced in your app.
I have no ane. Already solved first problem using NSAppTransportSecurity settings but now this IPv6 seems to be freezing my app at some point. I'm on Flex 4.6 Air 21. Is there any extra node I should add to InfoAdditions to enable IPv6? do I need air 22?
I tried Flex 4.6 Air 22 and my app was accepted. Make sure that on additional compiler arguments you target the correct version/player:
-swf-version=33 -target-player=22 (although not sure it matters).
I'm using only URLLoader, literal addresses.
I have no ANEs.
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I am facing the same issue. Apple rejected my build with the same reason "IPv6 network only"
In my Application I am using mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject.RemoteObject and URLMonitor.
I am using flex 4.6 AIR 22
is mx.rpc.remoting.RemoteObject.RemoteObject can handle IPv6. I am not using any hardcode IP like "".
Kindly anyone suggest me any ANE for URLMonitor.
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Same problem as you all, has anyone get passed this yet?
Right now, my only idea is to buy IPv6 for the server/domain we are using. I'm going trough the process of purchasing one right now. I've used to test if the domain is ready for IPv6, and lets say mine is not.
Do any of you have IPv6? Apparently the world in not ready for Apple demands.
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Right now, my only idea is to buy IPv6 for the server/domain we are using. I'm going trough the process of purchasing one right now. I've used to test if the domain is ready for IPv6, and lets say mine is not.
Please make sure you re-read the earlier comment and watch the linked Apple video.
This requirement for your app has nothing to do with whether your server is using IPv6 or not, that isn't going to fix anything.
It is about whether your client app works in an IPv6 only network (even when hitting IPv4 servers).
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how can i check it? and what i need to changh in the app?
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Ami Hanya wrote:
how can i check it? and what i need to changh in the app?
The video and the link provided above in this thread from Adobe staff show you how to test locally for iPv6 compatibility with your app.
What you need to change in your app all depends upon what you are using to access the network.
If you are only using URLLoader, Adobe has confirmed it is IPv6 compliant.
If you are using URLMonitor some people have reported IPv6 issues, and I haven't seen any official confirmation or denial from Adobe whether this class is IPv6 compliant. I've seen other posts where people have swapped out their use of URLMonitor with an ANE that does equivalent network reachability testing.
If you are using any ANEs that use networking code you need to check their source for IPv6 compliance or confirm with the ANE creator whether it is compatible.
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thanks jeff.
I dont see video from Adobe (only from Apple), can you give me the link?
I use AssetManager (Starling), did you know if its work with URLMonitor?
I going to check the ANEs. i hope to found the problem.