IOS submission refused because of IPv6 only
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Hi everyone,
i tried to submit an external Beta (testflight) build to IOS, and got it rejected many times, cause when they test it, all connections fail.
They mention in the bug report :
Apps are reviewed on an IPv6 network. Please ensure that your app supports IPv6 networks, as IPv6 compatibility is required.
So i think it's because of that.
I tried to re-submit by adding this to the iphone / InfoAdditions node
which is supposed to disable the "ipv6" requirement, but it didn't change anything, request failed on their side.
2 questions :
- is there a way i can simulate / test this on my side, so i don't need to make a submission and wait 24 hours for each tests
- What should i do to make it work on a IPv6 network ?
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You see everything. I was talking about the video link to Apple and the Adobe staff's link to the documentation.
No, Starling does not use URLMonitor.
Best guess is that it is one of the ANEs you are using. If you can setup the local IPv6 testing and can remove use of each ANE one by one, you might be able to narrow the culprit down.
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I have only pc and i dont found a way to do local IPv6 testing
i send to all the ANEs distributors a question, and i hope they going to answer about URLMonitor.
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same problem.
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Just an update on my status, I think they rejected the names of my in-app products, and app was crashing because of that. I have replaced URLMonitor with a crude URLLoader and Timer, but I'm also using Loader and can't get around that. A new version is ready for upload a soon as I can remove the old one. "Love" the iTunesConnect UI.
My app started crashing on IPv4 so, thanks Apple for pointing me into the wrong direction. All worked fine when I uploaded it, and they did reject in once because they were not able to get to the in-app products and test, and somehow the second time with the same upload it stopped working.
I'm a PC-user too, no way to test IPv6. If someone with a mac could do a test and confirm if there is an actual problem or not, that would be great. Also you could use the link in my previous comment and test with a non IPv6 ready website. I used URLMonitor with my domain, that is not IPv6 ready.
If by any chance my original app gets approve, that uses URLMonitor, URLLoaded and Loader, I will know it was not an IPv6 issue and I will let you know. Right now I'm waiting for a reply from Apple. The waiting is killing me.
---- Edit ----
My app just passed, main issue was with in-app products that needed attention (they MUST say APPROVED or WAITING FOR REVIEW), and they hacked it to IPv6. Some begging to skip IPv6 was involved in the last submit, so I can't confirm all is working.
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Can anyone guide me what i need to do. I am still facing the same issue.
How I reproduce the error is "making a developer test release and installing it on My IPhone" Using this way i can reproduce the error.
My application is calling BlazeDS service using RemoteObject. I can't able to login in my developer account using it.
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In my case, to fix it, I had to had a server (where was the file to download) with an IPv6 adress.
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It happens because some VPN providers block IPv6 traffic (that Adobe products use). I am on PureVPN and whenever I have to use Adobe products, I disable IPv6 protection and everything works fine. You can enable/disable IPv6 from network settings as well (apart from VPN settings):
I would recommend to re-enable IPv6 protection once you are done using Adobe products.

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