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Kind Chef mobile app, used Starling and Adobe AIR

Participant ,
Jan 10, 2014 Jan 10, 2014

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Hi everyone,

Recently we were busily working on an idea called "KindChef" which is a system that helps restaurants and we as customers.

We have started a campaign for it on Indiegogo site, which is a crowdfunding site backed by Google as some of you may have heard about it, so that we can find the ones who are interested in the idea and can back us and contribute to it to help us make it happen...

here is the campaign link: http://igg.me/at/kindchef/x/5769968

We have developed a MVP (Minimum viable product) mobile app for it, using Starling and Adobe AIR. But it's not the end product and is not so optimized yet. It's just a sample app to show how the system works, but yet so many other features will be added to it's release version as we have discussed on the campaign page.

We're also going to develop a control panel for restaurants too to manage their restaurant better. we're also going to develop a desktop app for them using Adobe AIR.

Honestly, there are two reasons why I am talking about it here:

1) the  Web developer’s perks, which provides AS3 programmers with many useful designs and OOP code snippets that we have used while developing the project and can help you a lot on your projects.

Also we are giving away all of the Adobe AIR Native Extensions that have been used inside of the project.

2) the second reason is to spread the word. Because sharing a campaign is a really important thing as Indiegogo counts this as a positive point for the campaigns, so if you just share it you have helped us a lot in our way,  or you may also contribute to it

Please visit the link above and find more information about it for yourself.

The most important way that you can help us, is by sharing the campaign link with your friends.

Please feel free to ask any questions about the whole idea and system or the app.


MyFlashlab team.







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