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Known issue [iOS Device]Error #3747: Multiple application domains … workaround?

Contributor ,
Jul 09, 2015 Jul 09, 2015

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I've been encountering this dreaded error in my current project and I'm flummoxed by the scant information about it. The release notes for AIR 18 list it as a known issue:

  • [iOS Device]Error #3747: Multiple application domains are not supported on this operating system.Execution halted in at 0xffffffff (3990014)

Quick project background: A Flex AIR app with multiple distribution targets (Android, iOS, OS X, Windows). Uses AIR overlaid on Adobe Flex 4.6.0 SDK. There's also an ANE in use that might be complicating matters: https://github.com/freshplanet/ANE-Flurry

I encounter this error when I AOT test debug my app on iPad 2 (iOS 8.4), followed by a hard app crash:

[Fault] exception, information=Error: Error #3747: Multiple application domains are not supported on this operating system.

Debugging in fast compile mode does not trigger the problem. However I'm trying to simulate the app as it will run when App Store distributed.

Partial workaround: Through use of LoaderContext(false, ApplicationDomain.currentDomain, null) on problem SWFLoaders I've been able to reduce the occurrence of the issue, but it still seems to be triggered by other mechanisms, possibly Embed directives (the debug stack is a bit opaque).

The strange thing is, the same code is not a problem for my colleague. The only difference I can see is that I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 14 as my IDE and he's using Flash Builder.


Where can I get more information on known issue 3990014?

Is the information at https://blogs.adobe.com/airodynamics/2012/11/09/packaging-and-loading-multiple-swfs-in-air-apps-on-i... concerning use of multiple SWFs on iOS still relevant?

Can I get around the problem by using a previous release version of AIR?

Air beta






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