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I'm trying to pack ipa on Windows 10 with adt and i get an error:
ld: library not dound for -lstdc++
ld: library not dound for -lstdc++
Compilation failed while executing : ld64
I am used AIR SDK 20 beta
How to fix it?
Thank you.
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Hi ,
Can you let us know the command you are using to package the ipa?
Adobe AIR
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My .bat script:
set AIR_SDK=C:\work\sdks\AIRSDK_20
set iOS_SDK=C:\work\sdks\iPhoneOS.sdk
set PROVISIONING_FILE=C:\work\~cert\FlashPressAll.mobileprovision
set KEYSTORE_FILE=C:\work\~cert\sertificate.p12
set ADT=%AIR_SDK%\bin\adt.bat
start %ADT% -package -target ipa-debug-interpreter ^
-storetype pkcs12 -keystore %KEYSTORE_FILE% -storepass %KEYSTORE_PASSWORD% -provisioning-profile %PROVISIONING_FILE% ^
example.ipa .\Main-app.xml .\Main.swf ^
-platformsdk %iOS_SDK% ^
-extdir ..\ane
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Hi, Thanks,
Can you try a simple hello world application without using -platformsdk ? Let us know the result.
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Without -platformsdk all good, ipa created.
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Thank you,
We are looking into this issue. Will update as soon as we have the fix for it.
Adobe AIR
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Hi ,
We investigated the issue and found that this issue will be encountered if the lib folder inside the PhoneOS.sdk\usr does not contain all the libraries.
Kindly verify if you have all the libs present there including the one with soft links (you can compare it with the Xcode if possible) .There should be a total of 169 files inside that folder if you are using 9.0 SDK.
Please recheck and let us know if you are still facing this issue.
Adobe AIR.
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we have similar issue using latest iossdk 11
ld: library not dound for -lc++
ld: library not dound for -lc++
Compilation failed while executing : ld64
We have to use platformsdk as on windows air sdk 29 still has issues signing ipa containing ios third party dynamic framework.
On mac air sdk works as expected but not on windows.
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as a solution we added needed libs from air sdk to iphone sdk folder