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Mouse position wrong on Mac, OK on Windows

New Here ,
Feb 23, 2011 Feb 23, 2011

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I have an air app that uses HTML5 and Javascript, and the drag and drop events.  On Windows, when the drag event fires, and then a drag is in progress, the mouse coordinates are consistent.  That is, if I click on an object, in the center, and check the X and Y, I get a number, and as I drag 1 pixel to the left and down, the X and Y update as expected.

On Mac OSx, when I start a drag, the X and Y are right, but when the drag is on progress, the X and Y are offset.  The offset appears to be equal to the bottom left corner of the object.

Specifically, if I have a 100x100 object in the center of a 1000 pixel stage, and I click on the middle, the dragstart event would have pageX and pageY properties of 500,500.  If I drag down and left 1 pixel, I would expect 499,501.  Instead, with the drag event, I get something close to  449,551.  On Air under Windows XP, I get the expect value.

Is this a bug in Air, or something I may be doing wrong?  I have tried various properties (screenX, pageX) with no luck.  I cannot seem to get stageX and stageY to work within javascript in HTML5.

Performance issues




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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 28, 2011 Feb 28, 2011

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Hi Noel,

Could you please be a little more specific? Are you using the ActionScript events (MouseEvent and the likes) or the JavaScript ones? Also, are you trying to build an HTML/JavaScript only application or are you using the HTMLLoader inside a Flex/Flash applications?

A sample code would help, too

I'll try to come up with a sample app, later this day.

Have a nice day,

Mihai Balan




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New Here ,
Feb 28, 2011 Feb 28, 2011

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I'm using just HTML5 and Javascript.  I am including sample code below.  I based it on the example here:  http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=DragAndDrop_5.html.  Compile the example as an Air file, and run on PC and Mac.

In the example, I added an alert to display the X and Y coordinates when a drag event is in progress.  To see the problem, click on an obvious spot in the image, such as the upper-right corner of the "e" in "Once," and start dragging.  On a PC, you should get a value close to 225,212.  On a Mac, the value will be 44,312 (which corresponds to the lower left corner of the image).  If you add an alert to dragstart, you should see that the x and y for the start event are correct on both systems.

Thanks in advance for your help.





<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="AIRAliases.js"></script>

<script language="javascript">

    function init(){

        var target = document.getElementById('target');

        target.addEventListener("dragenter", dragEnterOverHandler);

        target.addEventListener("dragover", dragEnterOverHandler);

        target.addEventListener("drop", dropHandler);

        var source = document.getElementById('source');

        source.addEventListener("dragstart", dragStartHandler);

        source.addEventListener("dragend", dragEndHandler);

        source.addEventListener("drag", dragHandler);

        emptyRow = document.getElementById("emptyTargetRow");


    function dragStartHandler(event){       

        event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "copy";


    function dragHandler(event){       

alert(event.pageX + " " + event.pageY);


    function dragEndHandler(event){

        air.trace(event.type + ": " + event.dataTransfer.dropEffect);


    function dragEnterOverHandler(event){



    var emptyRow;

    function dropHandler(event){

        for(var prop in event){

            air.trace(prop + " = " + event[prop]);


        var row = document.createElement('tr');

        row.innerHTML = "<td>" + event.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain") + "</td>" +

            "<td>" + event.dataTransfer.getData("text/html") + "</td>" +

            "<td>" + event.dataTransfer.getData("text/uri-list") + "</td>" +

            "<td>" + event.dataTransfer.getData("application/x-vnd.adobe.air.file-list") +


        var imageCell = document.createElement('td');

        if((event.dataTransfer.types.toString()).search("image/x-vnd.adobe.air.bitmap") > -1){




        var parent = emptyRow.parentNode;

        parent.insertBefore(row, emptyRow);




<body onLoad="init()" style="padding:5px">



    <p>Items to drag:</p>

    <ul id="source">

        <li>Plain text.</li>

        <li>HTML <b>formatted</b> text.</li>

        <li>A <a href="http://www.adobe.com">URL.</a></li>

        <li style="-webkit-user-drag:none;">

            Uses "-webkit-user-drag:none" style.


        <li style="-webkit-user-select:none;">

            Uses "-webkit-user-select:none" style.


        <li><img src="http://onceuponanapp.com/blog/wp-content/themes/OUAA_David/images/logo.png" alt="logo" class="logo-image"></li>



<div id="target" style="border-style:dashed;">

    <h1 >Target</h1>

    <p>Drag items from the source list (or elsewhere).</p>

    <table id="displayTable" border="1">

        <tr><th>Plain text</th><th>Html text</th><th>URL</th><th>File list</th><th>Bitmap Data</th></tr>

        <tr id="emptyTargetRow"><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>









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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 01, 2011 Mar 01, 2011

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Hi Noel,

I tested your sample with our latest builds and indeed it looks like we have a bug on Mac. I have logged a bug (internal reference number #2818702 ) and will keep you posted on how this works. I cannot promise however how fast it will get fixed.

Thanks a lot for your help,





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