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Hey there,
we're developing some plain AS3 projects using Flash Professional (to compile) and Flash Builder.
All is working good with the new AIR 3.0 release and performance is better than with AIR 2.6
I followed this tutorial and simlar to use AIR 3.0 instead of AIR 2.6:
Sadly today we saw a new issue with font embedding. Neither using Flash Professional itself or Embed-Tag in the code itself works. Also we see that the SWF size does not change when adding multiple fonts.
Anybody has a clue where this issue might be caused? I can think that the way fonts are embedded has changed in AIR 3.0 and it's not working with the "replace AIR 2.6 with AIR X.Y trick".
Any help welcome.
Try the instructions at
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Hi Cedric,
I'm going to ask around about this to see if anyone knows what might be going on. In the meantime, could you please open a new bug report on this over at Please post back with the URL so that others affected can add their comments and votes.
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Try the instructions at
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No issues exit using AIR 3.0 in Flash Professional CS5.5 with a sample app.This app was created according to this article at
P.S. please make sure the swf version has been changed to 13 when modifying the AiriPhone.xml.
If there is still an issue,it will help a lot with a sample code to reproduce this problem.
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Hey there,
thanks for the help and advice.
Still not working. But I'm playing with several other files to check for wrong version number.
One thing I see is that still the version 11 textlayout.swc is used. Is that maybe the problem?
What file to change if I want to see this also working in Flash Debug View? AdobeAIR2_6.xml? FlashPlayer10_2.xml?
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now I got it working unsing TextField instead of TLFTextField and including the fonts as symbol in the FLA-file (instead of embed tags).
Should TLFTextField also work?
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Hi again,
may I need Flex 4.6 pre-release?
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Hi again,
The problem was the TLFTextField itself. Strangely in debug on my Mac fonts showed of correctly, but on the device not. So I assumed that there was an problem of embedding.
But after changing setDefaultFormat to setFormat, then setting the tlftextfield.htmlText = ".." and after that doing tlftextfield.textFlow.flowComposer.updateAllControllers(); it works on the device.
Strange to me, that with active fonts on my Mac it works without updateAllControllers - but on the devices not.
Thanks for the hints.