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I am trying to install the air application (native exe) in C:\Program Files using silent install, below is the command that I am using.. (have tried with the path in quotes as well)
MyApp.exe -silent -location C:\Program Files
It doesn't seem to work with space in the folder names in the path.
It works if I just give C:\ or D:\ or D:\someFolder ,
Any ideas of how to get this working ?
Darnnit - confirmed this is bug - logged internally as #2677272.
It is too late to get a fix in for the next update of the AIR runtime (which should be going out very, very soon...) but we will get this on the fast-track to be fixed in the release to follow (sorry - cannot share further details regarding the schedule).
As a workaround for now - can you please try manually escaping the quotation marks in your extended -location path and let us know if this works for you (it worked in my test case w
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did some more analysis on this one..
The application exe name does appears in the task manager for a split second.. then goes off.
checked the install logs at D:\Profiles\Brijesh\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\AIR\logs, nothing appears in the install log for this event.
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more on the issue:
tried with : My_App.exe -silent -location "'C:\Program Files'"
it now prints error in the log file:
[2010-07-27:12:19:38] Bootstrapper begin (Win:version
[2010-07-27:12:19:38] Installed runtime located (
[2010-07-27:12:19:38] Launching application installer: "Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe" -silent -location 'C:\Program Files' "D:\Profiles\Brijesh\LOCALS~1\Temp\AIR19A.tmp\My App"
[2010-07-27:12:19:38] Application installer failure (2)
[2010-07-27:12:19:38] Bootstrapper failure (2)
Any idea about the error / error code ?
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Thanks very much for digging in to this.
I am taking a look at the parameter parsing in the native installer code and will give you an update soon.
Chris Thilgen
AIR Engineering
a.) You should not need to put your path inside both ' and " marks.
Could you please verify that you get the same error message in the log if you use:
My_App.exe -silent -location "C:\Program Files"
b.) Can you please see if you happen to have another AIR application installed that has the same <id>? We have seen this lead to some issues in the past.
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I tried with My_App.exe -silent -location "C:\Program Files",
got following in the install log:
[2010-07-27:12:38:45] Bootstrapper begin (Win:version
[2010-07-27:12:38:45] Installed runtime located (
[2010-07-27:12:38:45] Launching application installer: "Adobe AIR Application Installer.exe" -silent -location C:\Program Files "D:\Profiles\Brijesh\LOCALS~1\Temp\AIR1B4.tmp\My App"
[2010-07-27:12:38:45] Application installer failure (2)
[2010-07-27:12:38:45] Bootstrapper failure (2)
I don't have any other app installed with same name or id. Because, if I try with following commands it works.
My_App.exe -silent -location "C:\"
My_App.exe -silent -location "C:\dummy"
works on D: with same folder structure.
doesn't work with a folder name with space in it on D: either.
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Darnnit - confirmed this is bug - logged internally as #2677272.
It is too late to get a fix in for the next update of the AIR runtime (which should be going out very, very soon...) but we will get this on the fast-track to be fixed in the release to follow (sorry - cannot share further details regarding the schedule).
As a workaround for now - can you please try manually escaping the quotation marks in your extended -location path and let us know if this works for you (it worked in my test case where i was able to repro the issue you are experiecing):
My_App.exe -silent -location "\"C:\Program Files\""
Chris Thilgen
AIR Engineering
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Thanks, The workaround works...
I hope other's would notice this discussion too..
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Yeah - everyone except my boss - this was my goof - shhhhh!
Chris Thilgen
AIR Engineering
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Just wanted to let anyone know who was watching this thread that this issue has been resolved and will be included in our next update of the AIR Runtime.
Chris Thilgen
AIR Engineering
NOTE: This fix did not make the AIR 2.0.3 update which was just released
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Moved discussion to the Installation Issues forum
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Hi there Chris,
Not to rush you or anything, but I was just wondering whether there was any update on when this AIR runtime update will be available? I've just stumbled across this bug when hoping to upgrade an application to AIR
Thanks for following up on this forum topic
Message was edited by: seaneyefi
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Hi Sean,
We haven't announced anything officially, but historically AIR has had a release at least once every quarter. Our last runtime release was August 10th.
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Thanks Chris - good to know.
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I am trying to run the installer(native exe) in silent mode by launching a native process in oder to simulate auto update functionality.
var file:File = DownloadFile(; // .url = app-storage:/PatientEDU.exe
var nativeProcessStartupInfo:NativeProcessStartupInfo = new NativeProcessStartupInfo();
nativeProcessStartupInfo.executable = file;
var process:NativeProcess = new NativeProcess();
process.addEventListener(NativeProcessExitEvent.EXIT, onExit_installer);
process.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.STANDARD_ERROR_DATA, onErrorData);
var processArgs:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
processArgs.push("\"C:\Program Files (x86)\"");
nativeProcessStartupInfo.arguments = processArgs;
It does not seem to want to run for more than a split second and is not performing the install.
Any thoughts?
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Does it work when you run the command from cmd.exe:
c:\> PatientEDU.exe -silent -location "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\""
Because of the NativeProcess adding yet another layer of command line parsing on top of the native installer (which is already on top of the AIR Application Installer) we may have to play with the params a bit until it works as expected.
I will try your sample out with my latest code - that fixes the issue and see if it improves things.
A possbile workaround you may want to try is to pass the "short name" for the Program Files directory - fire up cmd.exe and execute the following:
c:\> dir /x /A:D "c:\pro*"
You will get output like this:
8/03/2010 01:03 PM <DIR> PROGRA~1 Program Files
Where PROGRA~1 can be used in place of "Program Files" for all command lines. (or the (x86) version of Program Files on your machine)
Chris Thilgen
AIR Engineering
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- Good News - in our latest internal code - I can successfully use the following:
processArgs.push("C:\\Program Files");
- Okay News - using your sample code - I was able to successfully use the following syntax to work with AIR 2.0.3
- Strange News - using your sample code - I was able to successfully use the following syntax to work with AIR 2.0.3
processArgs.push("\"C:\\Program Files\""); <- which i think is what you are doing
So can you confirm that this information jives with what you are seeing?
Please also confirm that there is nothing wrong with the native installer you are trying to launch with NativeProcess by attempting to launch it from the command line.
Chris Thilgen
AIR Engineering
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I tried the following in a cmd line:
C:\Users\DMerck>"C:\Users\DMerck\AppData\Roaming\PatientEDU\Local Store\PatientEDU.exe" -silent -location "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\""
C:\Users\DMerck>"C:\Users\DMerck\AppData\Roaming\PatientEDU\Local Store\PatientEDU.exe" -silent -location "C:\Program Files (x86)"
C:\Users\DMerck>"C:\Users\DMerck\AppData\Roaming\PatientEDU\Local Store\PatientEDU.exe" -silent -location C:\
Don't seem to do anything
C:\Users\DMerck>"C:\Users\DMerck\AppData\Roaming\PatientEDU\Local Store\PatientEDU.exe"
Brings up the installer.
Is it possible it is security related. Is there a log file that might tell us what it is getting stuck on?
David Merck
Lead Software Developer
Patient Edu, LLC
168 Denslow Road
East Longmeadow, MA 01028
Phone 413-525-3368 x 132
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Windows UAC seems to have been the culprit. It now installs silently.
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Is there a command line argument that will run the application after installation?
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Not if you are using the -silent option...
Chris Thilgen
AIR Engineering
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I built a simple app (Update.exe) that runs the following batch file:
taskkill /fi "IMAGENAME eq PatientEDU.exe"
taskkill /fi "IMAGENAME eq adl.exe"
"%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\PatientEDU\Local Store\PatientEDU.exe" -silent -eulaAccepted -location "\"%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\""
taskkill /fi "IMAGENAME eq Update.exe"
I only launch the Update.exe ("Native Process") from PatientEDU.exe when there is a update of PatientEDU waiting on the server. However the silent install only works if there is no app present. It will not update the app. Is there something I need to do in order to update the app to a newer version without user input silently. This is for a hospital application running on an intranet. Do I have to run an uninstall first? I am trying to automate the process similar to the auto-update found in 1.5 with AIR installers.
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I changed the batch to use the following:
taskkill /fi "IMAGENAME eq PatientEDU.exe"
taskkill /fi "IMAGENAME eq adl.exe"
wmic product where name="PatientEDU" call uninstall /nointeractive
"%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\PatientEDU\Local Store\PatientEDU.exe" -silent -eulaAccepted -location "\"%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\""
taskkill /fi "IMAGENAME eq Update.exe"
This now uninstalls the app first and it seems to be working. I still need to test certain scenarios but it looks promising.
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Hey, I have been seeing a very odd problem when attempting to install an air application much in the same way as the original poster.
I am attempting to install my air applicaton on a 64bit windows 7 machine using the following command via and administrator command prompt:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer" -silent -location "C:\Program Files\MyLocation" -desktopShortcut "C:\Correct\Path\To\My\Air"\Application.air
The air is successfully being unpackaged, but it is being unpackaged to my user account's desktop with no desktop shortcut created.
I am using adobe air runtime version
The log file is states everything is fine, the last two lines are:
[2011-03-25:16:45:00] Installing msi at C:\Users\agray\AppData\Local\Temp\fla640B.tmp\setup.msi with guid {FF6268BB-8C53-370A-1AA4-17C98ACC874A}
[2011-03-25:16:45:02] Application Installer end with exit code 0
The same happened when i attempted to install to -location "C:\Program Files".
Thanks in advance for any guidance you can give.
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Hi Andrew,
We suspect the problem here is that you're attempting to install your AIR app into "C:\Program Files\". Can you try specifying the 32bit version of this folder, "C:\Program Files (x86)" and see if that works? 64 bit windows will do some behind the scenes re-direction for certain directories.
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One additional thing to investigate. It appears you might have a premature end quote on your command line:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Adobe AIR Application Installer" -silent -location "C:\Program Files\MyLocation" -desktopShortcut "C:\Correct\Path\To\My\Air"\Application.air
Could you try moving that quote to the end and see if that helps?