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Yup I am duplicating a thread, but I feel this needs pulling into the splotlight, as the other thread was going nowhere.
I have released a product to market, that was working fine with air 3.2 compiled apps and Flash player. Then I had to do an app update and because of the Apple req for the iPhone 5 I had to use air 3.7
This totally killed any compatibility with the existing 3.2 apps and the update. Even worse it has killed the communication that was working fine between air 3.2 and FP!
I have had to release captive air and new iOS apps which gets round the isse for device to device rtmft over local WiFi.
However a big feature of allowing users to control their device via a web browser is gone!
To test, grab the Yo!Bot app from iTunes or Google Play.
Then visit:
They don't talk to each other for me, or anyone else testing.
I have waited patiently for what I presume is a big bug to be fixed since May. Timescales have now got this product to market and I am left with a big hole in the features!
I normally am a huge fan of Adobe and another of my products use Adobe air to provision the games.
Who do I have to go an moan at about this not working, the air team or the FP team?
Apologies if I have missed some new config or feature that I need to add, but simply trying the same code base with 3.2 and everything works!
There is a bug in bugbase, but it has stalled!
See the old stalled thread and bug here
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It's been very unfortunate you are still getting this problem. Now, as per my understanding these were the following status with AIR SDK 3.7:
1 Device to Device = Working fine(both iOS and android)
2.Device to Air Desktop = Working fine
3.Device to flash player = fail
Please correct me if this is not the current status. Also, could you please update the reported over bugbase with the updated information as from the title it's look like rtmfp is not working on iOS and please update the flash player version you are using. I will let the FP team know about this thread.
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The issue is an air 3.5 or later.
Devices can no longer do rtmfp over local wifi to eachother unless they are compiled with the same version of air. Eg 3.4 won't talk to 3.5, but 3.5 will talk to 3.5
This is not so much of an issue.
The biggest issue I am facing is that I cannot get Flash Player (chrome 11,8,800,115) to talk to the compiled apps using 3.5 or newer.
I get the NetGroup.Connect.Success event, but nothing further.
This occurs using my dev key and cirrus, or over local p2p wifi.
If I compile the app with 3.4 then it works as expected. The issue with this is I cannot upload to the App store with this version.
I don't know if the issue lies with the FP, or Air. It seems that something has changed with the new Air builds, for example on Android it won't send or receive video - unless you quit the connection and try again - then it works. This behaviour is not seen on 3.4
In a nutshell rtmfp works great in 3.4 - anything newer then that and it appears broken.
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I have updated the Bug.
I feel that I am stuck between a rock and a hard place!
I can't submit air 3.4 apps to the Appstore, unless I use minimum 3.7 - but this breaks the product 😞
Hopefully it is something I have missed, but honetly I have been over this with a fine tooth comb, the fact that 3.4 works great is more puzzling.
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You sure you cannot use AIR 3.4? remember you can use any iOS SDK with the -platformsdk option. I cannot think of any Apple requirement not supported in AIR 3.4 or that cannot be addressed by using your own SDK, but could be wrong, of course.
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The issue is tracking under
Adobe Custom Experience team is investigating the bug and will communicate with you through the bug comments there and E-mail.
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The issue is tracking under
Adobe Custom Experience team is investigating the bug and will communicate with you through the bug comments there and E-mail.
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Is there a way to compile using Flash Pro CS 5.5 and Air 3.4 so that is creates a valid iOS 6 binary?
Last time I tried adding the required screen sizes, it kept on ending up as an "Invaid Binary" - only when I used 3.7 is was process by Apple.
I have a CC account and flash CS6 and CC.
Problem is that I am still on a 32bit system so CC is out.
And with CS6 I am struck with the "CreateWinProcess failed with error 2" error on XP.
(That too is a bug that needs fixing!)
SO I am currently using 5.5 on Windows and CS6 on the mac.
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I use Flash Pro a lot, but never used it for AIR Mobile... for that I use FB or FlashDevelop. On FB 4.5/4.6 when I need to package myself I make FB to compile the base SWF, and then call adt myself, when you try to compile in Flash Pro, does it keep the SWF file? or is it kept when it fails? also, do not confuse the release SWF with the debug one.
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Ouch, starting to get feedback on the live app now.
"dropped a star because I can't seem to get control via PC to work. "
Come on guys fix this please!