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Hello. I tried posting on this issue in the Flex forums a couple weeks ago, but got no response. I am posting here in case the problem in case it is more specific to AIR applications in general.
At least one user of our Flex desktop application, who was formerly able to run it normally, now has an issue in which the application crashes shortly after opening. Facts:
If anyone has any idea what the problem could be here, please let me know.
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I am also facing same Issue.I am not able to launch my Air application because of Webkit.dll.Itunes were installed in my Machine.
When i uncheck(stop-don't include) Itunes related things from startup tab of System Configuration, I am not able to launch my Air app following Error is coming root cause is Webkit.dll.
When i check itunes i am able to launch my air app.
Faulting application name: UCClient.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4c0053ef
Faulting module name: WebKit.dll, version: 6531.9.0.0, time stamp: 0x4eb75ebc
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000145fb
Faulting process id: 0x1934
Faulting application start time: 0x01ccdf954b165f94
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\UCClient\UCClient.exe
Faulting module path: c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe AIR\Versions\1.0\Resources\WebKit.dll
Report Id: 8d52f214-4b88-11e1-afb6-0025646584ea
Fault bucket , type 0
Event Name: APPCRASH
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0
Problem signature:
P1: UCClient.exe
P3: 4c0053ef
P4: WebKit.dll
P5: 6531.9.0.0
P6: 4eb75ebc
P7: c0000005
P8: 000145fb
Attached files:
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Hi Neresh,
Could you generate a dmp file and send it along my way ( Here are instructions (relpace your app in place of the ADL references.)
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I am having pretty much the same problem. Our application was running fine under Adobe Air 2.7 on either Windows XP or Windows 7. Since the update to Air (at least) our application has been crashing at random times in webkit.dll on Windows XP. We have not seen the behavior on Windows 7. If we roll back AIR to, the crashing stops.
How can I help you to help me? This is a production app. 1.5 years ago Adobe rolled out an AIR update which broke our app so bad we couldn't get Hello World to run. Adobe subsequently put out a patch, but the damage to our relationship with our customer was done. now it is happening again with the same customer
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Hi Jason,
Can you generate a crash dump and send it to I'd also recommend opening a new bug at and include a link to your application (or send it to me privately) if possible.
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Hi, Chris!
We have this problem appearing amoung our clients. So far all reports were from win xp users, AIR 3.7.
Our application is build entirely in HTML mode of AIR.
So far we didnt find any way to reproduce the bug. AIR just crashes one to tree times during work day.
Could you give us an advice, how can we debug this situation?
What does you mean about generating crash report? We can display additional information about problem, but there is no way to copy the contents of it (see screenshot below).
By the way, link to doesnt work for me - redirection loop is detected. At least in FF and Chrome.
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Hi Nick,
Could you generate a .dmp file and send it to along with a copy of your application and some typical scenario steps when the app does crash? It might also be worthwhile to open a bug on this over at so we can track it there too.
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Hi All,
I have exactly the same issue with an app. I have just open a case in bugbase with screenshot, dmp file, logs and project.
I hope this helps to solve the issue that seems quite old.
Kind regards,
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I know this is an old thread, but I am also getting a similar issue
Its an Air application running on Windows, which uses a StageWebView
In addition to this, the code keeps reporting that the StageWebView variable is null, but the code has not cleared it, so it looks like AIR has somehow nulled the webview.
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It will be really helpful if you can share your test app so that we can reproduce the issue at our end.
Please log a bug (Adobe Tracker ) for the same.
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Hi Nitanwar
I'll ask my manager if its OK to send you the installer exe
I'll also log a bug in the tracker
Unfortunately I can't personally reproduce this error on demand. It only seems to happen to some users of our educational app (exe) - The last report was from a teacher.
Roger Clark
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I tried submitting a bug, but I keep getting "Bug Submission failed" with no additional information about why it failed
Here is the text I was trying to submit to describe the bug
PC AIR EXE which uses StageWebView crashes in webkit,dll
See screengrabs of crash
Our app is fairly complex. It uses a StageWebview and also flash elements on the same page, and the app is also its own webserver on port 8080
Note. We are NOT using native mode, we are using the internal web component
The app is used for education assessment, and the student has to enter data into multiple html text <textarea> on the page as well as complete HTML multichoice quizzes etc.
When the user changes page, AIR intercepts the location change event and cancels it, and instead calls a javascript function on the page called setProgress()
This function reads the data from the TextArea fields and posts it as an ajax request (using jquery) to the internal webserver, which then processes the data and saves it.
Once the data has been saved, webview.loadURL is used to load the page which the user originally linked to.
(So that it appears that the user has navigated without the complex interaction that has actually occurred)
However there have been a lot of problems with this.
In the trace window I often get
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: setProgress
As it doesn't appear to be possible to call a javascript function while a page is still running other javascript e.g. processing ajax requests during its document.ready handler
Also, something strange happens if the app is left unattended for about 5 minutes.
When the user starts using the App again, after a 5 minute break, the webview is slow to respond and does not immediately make the ajax request to the webserver
so rather than the setProgress taking 100ms to run it seems to take over 1 second
However its possible that the problem is related to the internal webserver in this case.
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I have managed to submit this bug via my mac (my PC antivirus seems to have prevented my submitting on that machine)
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Thanks Roger,
We are working on the issue and will keep you posted about the progress on the same.
Regrading the "Bug submission failed", can you please explain it in more detail?
I am assuming that you have provided the information for all the mandatory fields before creating the bug.
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Hi Nitanwar
I think my AdBlock / server blacklisting on my PC prevented your bug submission page from working correctly.
When I tried it on my Mac, which isn't locked down so hard, I could see that the menu's were more dynamic, so I think on my PC some of the JS on your bug reporting page were not actually running.
Re: App crashing
I can send you the SWF or installer Exe if it will help.
Unfortunately, we do not have a way to repeatedly get the app to crash. It only seems to crash with extended real world use.
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HI Roger,
Please attach the SWF and installer exe.
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Files have been uploaded to this google drive
Login is
After logging in - select "1.Roberto si presenta"
This opens the another screen which contains the main StageWebview (on the right)
Clicking on the left menu on this page, causes different HTML pages to load on the right
In those pages, some links launch separate Flash swfs (but none of those swfs contain a StageWebView)
Note. App runs its own internal webserver on port 8080 when in operation. If 8080 is not available the app tries 8081, then 8082 etc until it finds a port that is available
When the app looses focus and then gains focus (is activated), the webserver is restarted (either on the same port or the next available port. Normally on the PC, the same port is available but on the Mac the old port number seems to be locked by the OS, so the App uses 8081 but then goes back to 8080 next time it is activated
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Hi Rakshit
I think we have found what causes this crash.
We use the DEACTIVE event
And in appDeactatedHandler we call
So that the text in any TextArea's on the HTML page can be sent via Ajax to the server
(Our app runs its own local web server)
There seems to be a problem when the App is deactivated and the user uses Google Chrome or perhaps Microsoft Word, that when the App gets re-activated the _webView variable is null
The StageWebView still functions, but the App is unable to interact with the webview because the variable _webview is null
Sometimes _webview is not null, but AS3 can't communicate with the webview, so calls to _webView.loadURL no longer function.
I have uploaded the SWF and Exe to this google drive
To replicate the bug.
Run the Exe
Login as demo demo
On the first screen, select the top menu item, (workset 1)
After page loads
Press Home button
Click to enter workset 2
Click home button
Click to enter worset 1
Click outside app to deactivate it
Run google chrome
click between app and google chrome
Try also pressing home button and go to workset 1 then workset 2, and also to Google chome and back to the App
The app will detect webview is null, and try to display a popup, but as _webview is null, it is unable to set _webview.stage = null, so the popup does not work
Webkit does not always crash - this is very rare, but _webview does become null or it is impossible for flash to communicate with the StageWebview if you do the procedure a few times.
Our work-around is that we no longer try to interact with _webview after the App is deactived.
This is not ideal, but it seems to prevent the problem
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I can't add an update to the bug as your tracker would not accept my update
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Thanks for your reply. Can you please tell us what happens when you try to comment on the bug on the tracker ?
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bug tracker seems to have an error if I post a long comment
Looking in the browser console I get
Validating Session authentication_controller.js:13:9
Object { key: "AIR-4198052", id: 2671801, fields: Object, attachments: null } view_controller.js:62:21
Validating Session authentication_controller.js:13:9
true view_controller.js:265:21
Validating Session authentication_controller.js:13:9
Object { data: "<html><head><title>Apache Tomcat/7.…", status: 500, headers: dd/<(), config: Object, statusText: "Internal Server Error" } view_controller.js:269:21
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I'm using Firefox on W7,but I also tried Chome on W7 and even Chrome on OSX (El Capitan) and Safari on El Capitan. But it does not seem to be platform dependant.
It seems to be that only very short comments are accepted.