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I'm developing an Adobe Air application for the WeTab (
I'd like to open a application with openWithDefaultApplication for certain file types (e.g. ppt, xls, doc..).
However, openWithDefaultApplication returns 3016 for all file types although OpenOffice is installed.
3016 No application was found that can open this file.
The WeTab uses the meego OS with a graphical user interace called tiitoo.
If I click on a file within the file browser, open office gets opened normally, however,
it doesn't work for adobe air applications.
How can I add the connection between filetype and default application. How does adobe air know the default application on linux (meego) and especially on the WeTab?
Thanks for answers...
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Hi Elvis,
I've forwarded this along to our linux team for feedback.
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Hi Elvis,
Could you do the following:
CASE I: Using AIR's xdg-utils to query a file's mimetype and default application.
1) /opt/Adobe\ AIR/Versions/1.0/Resources/xdg-utils/xdg-mime query filetype <your filename>
2) /opt/Adobe\ AIR/Versions/1.0/Resources/xdg-utils/xdg-mime query default <output of above command>
CASE II: Using system's xdg-utils to query a file's mimetype and default application
1) xdg-mime query filetype <your filename>
2) xdg-mime query default <output of above command>
What are the outputs in cases I and II?
Are you able to open the specified file by double-clicking?
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another update 😉
./xdg-open ~/Excel.xls opens the application... although ./xdg-mime query default ... returns nothing
I used ./xdg-mime default to link a desktop icon to the mimetype,
now i get the following result:
>> ./xdg-mime query default application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
however, openWithDefaultApplication still returns 3016 on the Wetab although it works on Windows
what can be wrong here, what can I try..?
Have fun and thanks for answers!!!
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Hi Elvis,
How did you install AIR on your WeTab? Also, how did you install your application?
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Adobe Air was already preinstalled.
The application was installed by starting the Adobe\ AIR\ Application \Installer and a click on the .air installer file...
Thanks for any advice 😉
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Hi Elvis,
Though MeeGo is not something officially supported by AIR yet, could you provide the following info:
Does doubleclicking a .air file open the installer for you, or do you always have to select Adobe\ AIR\ Application\ Installer and click on the .air ?
Also, do you know if you are using GNOME/KDE or some other desktop environment(XFCE)?
Besides, what is the version of AIR you have installed?
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the WeTab uses MeeGo, but starts his proprietary software on top. The tiitoo pinboard and tiitoo file browser. Clicking on an .air file within the tiitoo file browser has no effect, but it works for OpenOffice files.
There are some gnome games installed and I can open a file via gnome-open, gnome-control-center from the shell.
However, xfce4 stuff is installed too, since I can also start the xfce4-appfinder, task manager and so on...
When I start an xfce4-session from the shell, the wetab desktop starts. So it looks to me, that it uses (a modified?) xfce4. 😉
I just found out, that I can start thunar. Within the thunar browser, I can install the .air file by simply clicking on the icon.
Thanks for your help so far. However, the error 3016 stays ;-/
Have fun,
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Hi Elvis,
I actually cannot understand your desktop environment from your responses(whether its GNOME/XFCE or some tweaked version of any of these).
Could you just try the command: env | grep -i desktop . It may be of some help for us to understand the cause of the problem you are encountering.
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Also, could you do the following:
1) Install gvfs-bin package using:
sudo apt-get install gvfs-bin
2) Try your application now.
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thanks for you help Neha! 😉 However, it still doesn't work:
I moved to the adobe air xdg-tools path and entered:
./xdg-mime query filetype ~/Excel.xlsx
./xdg-mime: Zeile 428: xprop: Kommando nicht gefunden.
then I installed xprop 😉 and got the result:
next I entered:
xdg-mime query default application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
=> no output
next I tried the same for the system's xdg-utils, which didn't exist on the system -> so I installed it and got the same behaviour
however, if I double click the file in the tiitoo-file-browser it works
I also tried:
gnome-open ~/Excel.xlsx
which works too
>> sudo apt-get install gvfs-bin
apt-get isn't installed on the WeTab, however gvfs (gvfs-1.6.0-5.1.i586) is already installed
Does that mean, adobe air and the wetab software use a different source for resolving the default application..
Thanks a lot for you time...