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Windows 64 bits official release with support for ANE's

Contributor ,
Jun 05, 2017 Jun 05, 2017

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I have a desktop application using AIR shared runtime and AIR update framework that works flawless with a few drawbacks of the shared runtime nature.

I'm now slowling moving to AIR captiva runtime, using the first desktop ANE (that only works on captiva runtime) and as addition, solving a few AIR shared runtime drawbacks and as another addition is compatible with Windows 64 bits, because captiva runtime is also a requirement.

With captiva runtime, I will need to build a new setup and bundle C++ distributable for 32 bits, because it's a requirements of this ANE's.

It will be a waste if soon we will get the official AIR Windows 64 bits and I need to bundle C++ distributable for 64 bits or both.

I already did a few tests on AIR 32 bits vs AIR 64 bits without any issues identified.

A few questions (fingers crossed to get an answer):

1. Did you plan to add support from ANE's on AIR for Windows 64 bits ?

2. With AIR Windows 64 bits, Windows for 32 bit's will be out of the game or this AIR will be compatible with both 32 and 64 at the same time or will we have 2 versions to compile ?

3. Do you plan to finally release the official AIR Windows 64 bits soon enought ?

Thank you,


Air beta






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