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Hi all,
In my work as an animator, I often have scenes fade out at the end and transition into a new scene. This means I fade one symbol in and another symbol out. In the past (about 8 years ago), I would handle this fading directly on the object (the symbol itself) in the properties panel. For the incoming symbol, I would set it to 0% alpha at frame 1 and to 100% alpha at frame 40, using a classic tween to create the transition.
The problem was that all the layers, groups, and shapes within the symbol would become visible through each other, creating a messy blend. What I wanted was for the symbol to fade out as a "flattened" image, but without actually flattening it. Back then, this was possible by setting the blend mode to “Layer.” However, an update has removed this option.
There was also an update that allowed these types of actions to be applied at the frame level instead of the object level, creating a white dot on the frame. I experimented with this, but initially encountered the same messy blend issue. Then, I found that applying a filter (like Blur) to the symbol at the frame level would resolve the blending issue. It’s strange, but it worked. Of course, I didn't actually want a blur, so I had to set the blur to 0% to keep everything sharp while fading out.
It doesn’t sit right with me that this is the way to handle this. Am I missing something? I'd like to create a command with a shortcut for this process, but apparently filters don’t work well in commands. Hopefully, someone has a better idea.
Thanks in advance!
above: the problem
above: my solution
above: the result wanted (about 50% alpha)
@Vladin M. Mitov Vladin M. Mitov wrote a jsfl that adds a glow filter to the frame.
Apply Adjust Color Filter by jsfl
This is the advanced function of the white dot. Similarly, modifying the following part can add the "adjust color" filter to it.
Currently, there is a lack of a function to add advanced transparency to the current frame. If someone can add it, it will greatly improve the problem we encounter in terms of transparency.
Adjust Color filter:
var myFilter = {
"name": "adjustColorFilter",
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Hi, any frame filter you use will flatten it, doesn't need to be a blur.
Try using the Adjust Color filter, the default values are all 0 so it's a little bit quicker since you don't need to adjust it everytime.
Sadly the JSFL option is out of the question since frame level Alpha isn't available per the documentation and symbol instance Alpha doesn't produce the flattened effect when paired with frame filters.
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@Vladin M. Mitov Vladin M. Mitov wrote a jsfl that adds a glow filter to the frame.
Apply Adjust Color Filter by jsfl
This is the advanced function of the white dot. Similarly, modifying the following part can add the "adjust color" filter to it.
Currently, there is a lack of a function to add advanced transparency to the current frame. If someone can add it, it will greatly improve the problem we encounter in terms of transparency.
Adjust Color filter:
var myFilter = {
"name": "adjustColorFilter",
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Thanks! @Mario_CR and @Firewood:D This was the answer I was hoping for.