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HTML5 Ad Validation (initial load, CPU, size, etc)

Community Beginner ,
Oct 01, 2024 Oct 01, 2024

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Hi everyone,


I wanted to share something with you that I think could be super useful. I've created a tool called AdValify.io — a free platform where you can benchmark your HTML5 ads for performance and validate them against IAB ad specifications. It checks important things like load speed, initial load size, CPU usage, and more, helping you make sure your ads meet the right standards before sending them off to clients.


Right now, AdValify is completely free to use. Down the line, I’ll be introducing premium tiers with extra features, but the free plan will always be available. I know this post has a bit of a commercial twist, but I genuinely believe the free plan will be valuable to many of you who want to ensure your ads are performant and adhere to industry standards before they go live.


I’m currently looking for feedback from the community on how the tool works and what additional ad validation tests could be helpful. So if you have a moment, please check out AdValify.io and let me know what you think! Your input will help make the tool even better for all of us.

Thank you so much for your feedback!






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