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My First time Using Animate so I may have been pushing it, but I made a puppet with 33 layers individually.
When I tried to view the 3 folders I put them in (FG MG and BG) simultaneously, the BG one would not show. I'd only have one folder visible at a time to solve this issue. Semi unnecessary info
, but this helped me spot the warning signs mentioned below.
While I'd have the animation playing for an individual folder to view the puppeteering, I noticed the animation was janky. I thought this would be corrected in post considering I was doing it on a laptop that doesn't really have a ton of power. After saving each layer as a transparent image sequence and importing it into another program to put it all together, the jankiness of the project in the animation still remained. I even split the 3 folders into 3 different files, but the preview animation was still the same.
The jankiness I'm referring to Is not lag; it's the individual parts outright jittering throughout the animation. I used Classic Tweens for each part, Quad Ease in/out for each, 30 FPS with 12 Seconds being one loop. Is there a way to fix this problem as a whole that I may have missed in the tutorials I've watched?
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Comment to add; Most noticeable in the Ring in the back left.
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Flash/Animate are known to have issues with slow rotations, i.e. rotation that spans over many frames.
These issues are due to poorly implemented mathematical rounding and 1/100 of a degree not being small enough increment to work with.
Simply put, there are not enough hundredths of a degree to divide 1 degree into 250 or 300 frames.
You may be able to minimise the unpleasant effect by re-registering your symbol, or by avoiding any additional matrix transformations, but ultimately if you want slow rotation with little offset, you will always have issues.
In such extreme cases a Shape Tween will do better, if you can figure out how to reorganise the content.
Generally speaking, other software may be more suitable for this kind of slow moving multi-plane animated loops.
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Hi nick i have a question for flash power tools is it important to make account for purchasing pemium?
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i don't know what the ring in the back left means, but i don't see a problem, though the animation is slow.
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How did you make the video? Was it from the other tool you used? With Animate, no matter how slow your machine is, an export to video will come out with perfect frame rate. There usually isn't a need to go via another tool.
Other than the slowness that kglad mentioned, the video looks ok. But, it's possible to get higher quality antialiasing with a small bit of code. If you are animating for video, you should be using an ActionScript 3.0 FLA, not an HTML5 Canvas one, and in the first frame of the timeline you can add this code in the Actions panel:
stage.quality = "16x16";
That should look nicer, and may also help with any stepping issues you're noticing.