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je reprends mon activié de formateur dans le techniqur, j'avais à l'époque de flash créer des modules de cours que j'executais (des .exe) car en PPT je ne pouvais pas animer comme je le souhaitais.
Ma question est la suivante, vu que l'action script est en fort declun et que son remplaçant est le HTML 5 voici mon soucis.
Chaque frame de mon scenario comporte deux boutons de navigation, un pour avancer à la frame suivante et l'autre pour revenir à la frame précedente. j'ai donc essayé de faire la même chose en HTML5 sous animate CC, mais cela ne fonctionne pas.
Lorsque je lance le scenario dans ule navigateur, je passe bien de la frame 0 à la frame 1 puis le bouton pour aller sur la frame suivante est dans le mode survol et impossible de naviguer dans le scenario.
Si une personne à une idée pour remplacer (gotonextframe ou gotorevframe en action script) en HTML je suis preneur.
Merci par avance pour votre aide.
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place yor next and back buttons in their own layer and extend their timeline across all frames where you want them to work.
in the actions panel at the their initial keyframe, use
this.next_button.addEventListener("click", nextF.bind(this));
function nextF(){
function prevF(){
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thank you for your reply.
I tried the script you suggested, but it doesn't work.
I attach my .fla file so you can see where my mistake comes from.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards.
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you can't attach a fla file here.
open your browser's developer console and look for errors. copy and paste them here if you need help debugging.
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Here's what happens, no error message in the animation. When I click on the next button, the annimation advances an image, we can notice that the next button on the next image remains in the hover position and that when we hover over this button it takes the color to press ? Then the animation advances 2 frames. The chapter 1 button is inactive yet I put the goto and stop on the chapter 1 label. Thank you in advance.
Best regards
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again, open your developer console and look for errors. it took less than 5 seconds to see:
if you don't know how to debug errors, you should learn. i (and many others here) could tell you how to fix your error, but it's better to teach you to fix your own errors.
to that end, start here:
lesson 1 -
lesson 2 -
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Good evening,
so to start, thank you for your patience and the 2 links for the debug mode.
Regarding my learning under animate CC, 18 years ago I made some scenarios in flash 5 (action script 1), in my professional entourage, a person had taught me the use of flash to create my course modules.
Currently no one around me whether professional or personal knows the use of animate CC, that's why I ask for help. I would like as much as possible if you explain to me what is wrong or that I have forgotten in the file I have transmitted. Could you make the correction so that I can compare what I did and what you added.
Thank you in advance.
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In line 32 of your second frame script, you have this:
function prevt_frame()
You meant it to be:
function prev_frame()
Deleting the 't' fixes the error.
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as shown in the 2nd tutorial, click on the top line in that error message and it takes you to line 450 in your js file:
and that top line tells you prev_frame is not defined. of course, you think it is defined just below on line 457. but checking your spelling/typos, you see you have a typo prevt_frame().
now you'll need to fix that in your fla file. and as shown in the tutorial checking above line 457 will tell you the frame and timeline that contains the erroneous code:
that's the main timeline, frame 0 or initial frame.
fix that and work on the next error until you're finished with no errors.