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Problems playing media layers in the browser

New Here ,
Apr 18, 2023 Apr 18, 2023

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Hello and good day,

I've just started with Adobe Animate but am already experienced in using other Adobe programs. It makes me all the more desperate that I haven't found a solution to what is probably a very simple problem. But maybe I can get support here?

I have the problem that layers containing media files do not run through when testing or when publishing in the browser. The other layers only work if the layers with media files are deactivated. This is not only the case on my computer, but also on my mobile phone and on a colleague's PC.

I created a sample project for the problem to show you. In the project I have a layer with a simple motion tween of a font. Below that is an audio layer that plays normally in the timeline but not when testing in the browser. This is followed by a layer with a video component. You can't test this in the timeline, but the test in the browser shows the same result. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to upload my Test.fla here: How can I make my test project accessible?


As I said, there is probably a simple solution for both cases - I just can't think of it.


Thank you in advance, Bjoern

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Community Expert ,
Apr 18, 2023 Apr 18, 2023

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upload your fla to a file server and post a link here.





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New Here ,
Apr 20, 2023 Apr 20, 2023

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Hello and good day,


I posted the above question here a few days ago. In the meantime I could answer it myself. Apparently it has something to do with the fact that I have to click once in the browser in Google Chrome and Firefox, otherwise the animation does not run. I researched that browsers use this to protect users from unwanted audio in the background. This means that you have to add a button at the beginning to start it. This requirement is not so nice, but I can live with it.


But now I have a new problem and I hope someone here can help me. For some unknown reason, my test releases work perfectly with the iPhone, but all Android smartphones don't seem to be able to handle it, because they throttle the speed many times over when playing. I made a very simple test project and published it. I just want the alpha value of the rectangle to tween from 0 to 100 in three seconds. It works great on the iPhone, but not on the Android phone. I have this problem with all types of tweens (motion, shape, classic) and with all tested Android smartphones.


Does this mean you can only view Animate releases on the iphone? That can't be right? Or is there some preset I need to be aware of to make it work in the Android device as well?


You can see this in the following test webspace: https://germek.s5.bakad.net/test/ta6.html

Unfortunately, you currently get a security error message from the browser because no valid certificate has been stored. If opening without a certificate is too tricky for you, I have shared a folder in my Adobe Cloud: https://shared-assets.adobe.com/link/1394127f-0376-419d-6ca4-3cbd9b18e499. This also includes the .fla file.

Thank you very much in advance for a hopefully simple answer! Bjorn





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Community Expert ,
Apr 20, 2023 Apr 20, 2023

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i don't see any media in your fla.


and by media, i assume you mean something like sound or video.





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