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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at apkandro1_fla::MainTimeline/frame68()[apkandro1_fla.MainTimeline::frame68:4]
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at MPI/doBtn()
can anyone help me? i have this problem
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You have an invalid reference in line 4 of frame 68 (in the Actions Panel). This is usually due to incorrectly named instances and/or variables or because the instance you're trying to access doesn't exist at that frame.
But we need more details to help you. Can you show us the code and the timeline at that point?
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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at apkandro1_fla::MainTimeline/frame68()[apkandro1_fla.MainTimeline::frame68:237]
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at MPI/doBtn()
this is the problem and this code
import flash.display.MovieClip;
var game:MovieClip;
var bgPuzzle:MovieClip;
var lebarPuzzle:int = 4;
var tinggiPuzzle:int = 3;
var ukuranPuzzle:int = 100;
var puzzleX:int = 250;
var puzzleY:int = 150;
var puzzleTimer:Boolean = false;
var gambarPuzzle:String = "gambar1";
var pengaturWaktu:MovieClip = null;
var efekTimbul:BevelFilter = new BevelFilter();
efekTimbul.type = BitmapFilterType.INNER;
efekTimbul.distance = 1;
efekTimbul.highlightColor = 0xFFFFFF;
efekTimbul.shadowColor = 0x000000;
efekTimbul.blurX = 3;
efekTimbul.blurY = 3;
var gameAktif:Boolean = false;
var kepingTerpilih:Boolean = false;
var drag:Boolean = false;
var puzzleBenar:int = 0;
var fps:int = 30; //frame per second
var waktu:int = 0;
var waktuGame:int = lebarPuzzle*tinggiPuzzle*10; //waktu permainan dalam detik
var waktuMaks:int = waktuGame;
var hasilMC:MovieClip;
function buatPuzzle(px:int, py:int):void{
//movieclip game digunakan sebagai container untuk mempermudah pengaturan
bgPuzzle = new MovieClip();
bgPuzzle.x = px;
bgPuzzle.y = py;
bgPuzzle.alpha = 0.3;
game = new MovieClip();
game.x = px;
game.y = py;
var skala:Number = ukuranPuzzle/100;
//tambahkan puzzle dengan operasi for
for (var i:int = 0; i < tinggiPuzzle;i++){
for (var j:int = 0; j < lebarPuzzle; j++){
//membuat pola pembantu peletakan puzzle
var pola:kepingPuzzle = new kepingPuzzle;
pola.x = j*100*skala;
pola.y = i*100*skala;
pola.scaleX = skala;
pola.scaleY = skala;
aturKeping(pola, i, j);
//membuat container untuk mengatur bentuk kepingan dan gambar
var puzzle1:MovieClip = new MovieClip;
puzzle1.x = j*100*skala;
puzzle1.y = i*100*skala;
//menambahkan gambar ke dalam puzzle
var pic:Class = getDefinitionByName(gambarPuzzle) as Class;
var gambar1:MovieClip = new pic;
gambar1.x = -j*100*skala-50*skala;
gambar1.y = -i*100*skala-50*skala;
//menambahkan bentuk kepingan
var keping:kepingPuzzle = new kepingPuzzle;
keping.scaleX = skala;
keping.scaleY = skala;
aturKeping(kepingPuzzle, i, j);
//membentuk gambar sesuai kepingan dengan mask
gambar1.mask = keping;
//menambahkan efek embos dan outline
gambar1.filters = [efekTimbul];
function aturKeping(ob:Object, i:int, j:int):void{
//mengatur kepingan bagian atas
if (i == 0 && j == 0) ob.gotoAndStop(1);
if (i == 0 && j > 0 && j < lebarPuzzle-1) ob.gotoAndStop(2);
if (i == 0 && j == lebarPuzzle-1 ) ob.gotoAndStop(3);
//mengatur kepingan bagian tengah
if (i > 0 && i < tinggiPuzzle - 1 && j == 0) ob.gotoAndStop(4);
if (i > 0 && i < tinggiPuzzle - 1 && j > 0 && j < lebarPuzzle-1) ob.gotoAndStop(5);
if (i > 0 && i < tinggiPuzzle - 1 && j == lebarPuzzle-1 ) ob.gotoAndStop(6);
//mengatur kepingan bagian tengah
if (i == tinggiPuzzle - 1 && j == 0) ob.gotoAndStop(7);
if (i == tinggiPuzzle - 1 && j > 0 && j < lebarPuzzle-1) ob.gotoAndStop(8);
if (i == tinggiPuzzle - 1 && j == lebarPuzzle-1 ) ob.gotoAndStop(9);
function aturWaktu(e:Event):void{
if (gameAktif){
if (waktu > fps){
waktu = 0;
if (waktuGame <= 0){
//waktu habis
//tampilkan dalam movieclip pengaturWaktu
if (puzzleTimer && pengaturWaktu!=null) pengaturWaktu.barMC.scaleX = waktuGame/waktuMaks;
function tampilkanHasil(menang:Boolean):void{
gameAktif = false;
//hasil jika menang
if (menang){
hasilMC = new scoreMC;
//menentukan bintang
if (waktuGame/waktuMaks > 0.5){
}else if (waktuGame/waktuMaks > 0.3){
hasilMC = new gagalMC;
hasilMC.x = 400;
hasilMC.y = 240;
hasilMC.retryBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ulangi);
function jalankanGame():void{
waktuGame = waktuMaks;
waktu = 0;
puzzleBenar = 0;
if (puzzleTimer && pengaturWaktu!=null){
pengaturWaktu.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, aturWaktu);
puzzle1.visible = true;
puzzle1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, acakPuzzle);
buatPuzzle(puzzleX, puzzleY);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tekanMouse);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, lepasMouse);
function acakPuzzle(e:MouseEvent):void{
puzzle1.visible = false;
gameAktif = true;
for (var i:int = 0; i < game.numChildren; i++){
var ob:Object = game.getChildAt(i);
//menyimpan data awal puzzle
ob.snap = false;
ob.xa = ob.x;
ob.ya = ob.y;
ob.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, dragPuzzle);
//mengacak puzzle
ob.x = Math.random()*700+50-game.x;
ob.y = Math.random()*400+50-game.y;
function dragPuzzle(e:Event):void{
if (gameAktif){
var ob:Object = e.currentTarget;
if (drag && !kepingTerpilih && !ob.snap){
//metode jarak untuk menentukan klik mendekati tengah kepingan
if (ob.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)){
kepingTerpilih = true;
ob.aktif = true;
//letakkan kepingan di layer teratas
game.setChildIndex( DisplayObject(ob), game.numChildren -1 );
if (ob.aktif){
ob.x = mouseX-game.x;
ob.y = mouseY-game.y;
if (!drag) {
ob.aktif = false;
//tentukan jarak puzzle dengan posisi yang benar
var jarak:Number = Math.sqrt((ob.x - ob.xa)*(ob.x-ob.xa)+(ob.y - ob.ya)*(ob.y-ob.ya));
if (jarak < 10){
ob.x = ob.xa;
ob.y = ob.ya;
ob.snap = true;
if (puzzleBenar == lebarPuzzle*tinggiPuzzle){
function hapusPuzzle():void{
//hapus kepingan puzzle di dalam MC game
while(game.numChildren > 0){
var ob:Object = game.getChildAt(game.numChildren-1);
ob.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, dragPuzzle);
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tekanMouse);
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, lepasMouse);
function ulangi(e:MouseEvent):void{
//menghapus hasil
if (puzzleTimer && pengaturWaktu!=null){
pengaturWaktu.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, aturWaktu);
hasilMC.retryBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ulangi);
//mengulangi permainan
function tekanMouse(e:MouseEvent):void{
drag = true;
function lepasMouse(e:MouseEvent):void{
drag = false;
kepingTerpilih = false;
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Do you mind testing your project in debug mode (Ctrl + Shift + Enter (Windows) or Cmd + Shift + Return (Mac)) so that we can know the exact line of code that is failing?
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here u can see this record, the problem is shuffle button can't work. please help me this is for my college project
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you've showed two different errors (and an unhelpful video), so far.
start by concentrating on solving one error.
eg, if you can still create your original error message by some series of interactions while testing, show the lines of code surrounding line 4, frame 68. eg, show lines 1 through 10 and indicate which is line 4.
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sorry, on line 4 and frame 68 it's been solved because only the button forgot to give an instance name, and now I only need the code for the button to randomize the puzzle
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now do the same for any other errors (eg, frame 68, line 237) with which you want help.
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do you know the code to randomize the puzzle pls?
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generally, add on-stage references to an array and then randomize using a shuffle function.
// your_array is now shuffled
function shuffle(a:Array) {
var p:int;
var t:*;
var ivar:int;
for (ivar = a.length-1; ivar>=0; ivar--) {
t = a[ivar];
a[ivar] = a[p];
a[p] = t;
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puzzle1.visible = true;
puzzle1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, acakPuzzle);
buatPuzzle(puzzleX, puzzleY);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tekanMouse);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, lepasMouse);
function acakPuzzle(e:MouseEvent):void{
acakbtn.visible = false;
gameAktif = true;
for (var i:int = 0; i < game.numChildren; i++){
var ob:Object = game.getChildAt(i);
//menyimpan data awal puzzle
ob.snap = false;
ob.xa = ob.x;
ob.ya = ob.y;
ob.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, dragPuzzle);
//mengacak puzzle
ob.x = Math.random()*700+50-game.x;
ob.y = Math.random()*400+50-game.y;
I have tried but still, is there something wrong? or does the shuffle button have to be in a movie clip with the puzzle?
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be careful about the children in game. make sure that includes what you want and doesn't include unwanted references.
also, all those event listeners are unnecessary. you only need one when a puzzle piece detects a mousedown
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what's the code surrounding that line?