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Virtual Keyboard in HTML5: Insert or Remove Text Based on Cursor Position in Input Box

Community Beginner ,
Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

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I created a virtual keyboard in Adobe Animate as a part of a point-and-click text game. Clicking on the buttons on this keyboard will fill in a text input field (instance name: 'UserAnswerBox') or delete text from the input field. The code for these is as follows, but very speicifcally, it modifies the last element of the answer box:


//code inserting the letter a
this.A_btn.addEventListener('click',() =>{

//code deleting the last letter

this.backspace_btn.addEventListener('click',() =>{
document.getElementById('UserAnswerBox').value=document.getElementById('UserAnswerBox').value.substring(document.getElementById('UserAnswerBox').value, document.getElementById('UserAnswerBox').value.length - 1)


I am looking for a way in Animate to modify the code so that virtual keyboard can allow letters to be inserted or deleted wherever the cursor currently is in the answer box. I wanted this because it will probably make more sense to users if the real keyboard and the virtual keyboard insert and delete text in the same way.






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