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Draw in Adobe Animate, or draw in an external App

Explorer ,
Oct 14, 2019 Oct 14, 2019

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How do you all draw your content for later animation in Adobe Animate?

Most Tutorials I see use the drawing tools in Animate, and even working with Sidecar (apples new support for iPad as input devices) works surprisingly nice, I still feel, for example, drawing in the native iPad apps like Fresco, or Adobe Draw, is so much more intuitive, natural, and looks better.

Especially, for the "groundwork".
Of course I would not draw a flame effect in such an app but do that in Animate directly, however, a character outline, the heads in positions, different angles etc, I feel I can draw them so much nicer in a real Drawing app, rather than in the complex, and not really intuitive drawing tools of Adobe Animate (of course, with power comes confusion).


I noticed though, that even drawing thigns in illustrator/fresco/draw wether on iPad or mac, and then importing to Animate does 2 things:

- it creates a bunch of layers that you would not have if drawn in Animate directly. It can become very difficult to even change color of a simple shirt, so I guess, here I am doing something wrong in the initial drawing, but for example Fresco doesn't offer much of a layer organization beyond what I create, so there is no control on how many sublayers (for each stroke, actually) it adds, which then appear in Animate 😞 . Yes, you can sort of avoid that by editing in illustrator and deleting/grouping, but that's then defetaing the purpose of having an easily and naturally drawn character - wasting time to reorganize it's layers is not worth thhe time

- it seems, the vectors of illustrator, fresco or draw... are not rendered perfectly fine in Adobe Animate!
Only Vectors that were created directly in Adobe Animate seem to render fully nicely without any "stacking" like pixel curves.


So, how do you do it?

Currently, I fell back to use only Adobe Animate painting tools, because of the vector rendering issue.

Maybe there is a nicer way to prepare the drawings?






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Guru ,
Oct 14, 2019 Oct 14, 2019

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Hi mate,


The general rule would be this:

Anything that is not created in Animate will complicate your workflow.


If you need painted backgrounds, you obviously have to use raster tools.

The more you do in Animate, the better your work will look as you will know what works and what to avoid.

You just need to give yourself some time to get familiar and comfortable with the tools. They are very versatile.


The artwork for many TV shows is entirely created in Flash / Animate.


Nick - Character Designer and Animator, Flash user since 1998
Member of the Flanimate Power Tools team - extensions for character animation





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