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Playhead Stops in Random Places During Animation. Please Help.

New Here ,
Apr 03, 2019 Apr 03, 2019

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I am animating a project on Adobe Animate 2018. When I press play on the timeline, the animation plays for about 3 frames and stops, even though it shows that it is still playing. If I then click pause and play repeatedly, the playhead jumps forward and continues on for 2 or 3 more frames and stops again, and I would have to press pause and play repeatedly etc. The playhead seems to stop at and jump to relatively the same spots each time I play the animation.

Does anyone know how I could fix this? Thanks, Lauren






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Guru , Apr 03, 2019 Apr 03, 2019

Hi Lauren,

The only way you can improve this probably, is to identify what is causing it.

Could be any of your elements on the timeline. I assume it's just animation and you have no scripts.

I have always found the in-program playback unreliable and rarely use it, if at all.

I work on huge timelines, often 5-6 000 frames long and always use the Ctrl+Enter to preview as SWF.

To loop a section I use simple frame script and a label on my timeline which I move to define the area as I progress through the




Guru ,
Apr 03, 2019 Apr 03, 2019

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Hi Lauren,

The only way you can improve this probably, is to identify what is causing it.

Could be any of your elements on the timeline. I assume it's just animation and you have no scripts.

I have always found the in-program playback unreliable and rarely use it, if at all.

I work on huge timelines, often 5-6 000 frames long and always use the Ctrl+Enter to preview as SWF.

To loop a section I use simple frame script and a label on my timeline which I move to define the area as I progress through the animation.

Here is an empty file with the script and labels, and some notes how to use them, if you decide to give it a go.

loop_section_AS3.fla - Google Drive

Hope this helps


Nick - Character Designer and Animator, Flash user since 1998
Member of the Flanimate Power Tools team - extensions for character animation





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