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Dynamic link issues between audition and premiere pro

New Here ,
Jun 15, 2023 Jun 15, 2023

Copy link to clipboard


I'm working on a 2 hour long film and the editor made a picture lock and I've been trying to do dynamic link in sections of 10 mins and the first 3 sections went well. The fourth not so much. Everytime i try to dynamic link sequence from the selected in and out points audtion has the right audio but the video is off by several scenes. Scenes from the previous sections, like the movie and audio shifted somehow?


I hear the right audio that was selected but the video is completly different. I know the editor added some stuff after the fact of it being pictured locked but should that matter if I'm making a new dynamic link session with the current edits? I'm using the the most up to date version of both Premier and Audition and we work on the same computer. I don't understand why i see one thing in Premier and something else in audtion. Please help.

Bug Unresolved
Multitrack editor , User experience and interface , Workflow or interoperability






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