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Adobe Audition - I can't hear what I'm playing in my headphones

New Here ,
Jun 04, 2021 Jun 04, 2021

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i have a problem with adobe audition.
Today I tried to record something, with the electric guitar.
I connected it to the sound card: the SSL 2.
In Adobe Audition I go to PREFERENCES
> Audio hardware
> DEVICE and choose: "Solid State Logic ASIO driver" which are those of the SSL2 card.
I start recording but I can't hear anything in the headphones (the headphones are connected to the PC using the normal headphone jack input).
The recording track exists, but I can't hear anything in the headphones!
It is indispensable when playing the electric guitar. XD
Finished recording I go to the settings above and change the DEVICE to: "ASIO4ALL v2".
So here I can finally hear the audio I had recorded.

how do you think i can hear the audio while i'm playing?
do I have to change the driver every time and go back to ASIO4ALL?


Audio hardware , Feature requests , How to






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