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I guess what I am using AA CC (latest version, for currently is somewhat unusual but ...
I am compiling CDs for a public examination board, the contents of which will be used to train and standardise the work of assessors whose job it is to ensure that all the candidates' work has been correctly marked by their schools, is to the required standards and has been fairly assessed.
The sources of the various musical performances are in a variety of formats, mostly m4a and mp3. Some of these include metadata which can reveal details of the candidate and school, which should not be included on the final CD. I use the Metadata panel to remove this ID3 data, including the original recording date, by highlighting any field with data and deleting it. This is successful for every field except for Recording Date; the initial pressing of "delete" clears the field but moving the highlight to a different field seems to cause the Recording Date field to be re-populated! It can take three or more repeated attempts to finally convince AA that I really do NOT want the original Recording Date to be retained.
Anybody else seeing this and can suggest a reason? And a method of removing it without the necessity to "highlight and delete" several times?
Took me a little while to get this to happen, as it only appears to re-populate when you click on the date field again - but then it does indeed pop back! I suspect it's a minor bug, and more than likely it's to do with the way the data is buffered. What's slightly more worrying is that any date you put into the ID3 data also makes it into the XMP, from where you can't delete it. Also it populates the RIFF data the same way. I suspect that this might be why it appears to take several goes to eli
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Took me a little while to get this to happen, as it only appears to re-populate when you click on the date field again - but then it does indeed pop back! I suspect it's a minor bug, and more than likely it's to do with the way the data is buffered. What's slightly more worrying is that any date you put into the ID3 data also makes it into the XMP, from where you can't delete it. Also it populates the RIFF data the same way. I suspect that this might be why it appears to take several goes to eliminate it.
If you are worried about it reappearing when it shouldn't later, the thing to do is just to put a safe value null string in there (like 0000), because it's whatever the last entry was that reappears. And yes, it appears that you should be worried about it - I tried a save with all the fields clear and it popped back the instant I saved it. So the only 'safe' solution for the time being is to put a null string in, and then it won't matter. I'll report it as a bug, with reference to this thread.
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Thanks for the investigation Steve, and for the confirmation that it's not caused by some silly action (or inaction) on my part.
Thanks also for the workaround!
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It's now reported as a bug, referenced to this thread.
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Thanks for reporting the bug officially, Steve.
Slightly OT, but I received an email to say ryclark had posted to the thread with a suggestion that pressing Enter/Return immediately after deleting the Recording Date might resolve the problem. Unfortunately, it doesn't, but what happened to his post?
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Maybe he deleted it - I haven't seen it.
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I deleted it because whilst I was still writing it Steve's reply had already appeared. And having seen Steve's post I realised that mine wasn't relevant any more.
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I have been having this problem for several weeks as well. Using Audition CC, my ID3 input always reverts back to "12/1/2011 4:13:46 PM" no matter what I do. It simply will not save any other date. I'd love for this to be fixed as it's wreaking havoc on my podcast uploads.
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allegra028 wrote
Using Audition CC, my ID3 input always reverts back to "12/1/2011 4:13:46 PM" no matter what I do. It simply will not save any other date.
I got it to save a null string reliably - can you do that, for a start?
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Hi Guys,
I am haveing the same issue with the date in Metadata and nothing I tried has done anything to rectify the issue.
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I've also been able to enter the date as a string with no spaces, like 20180829. not sure that helps but at least it works for me.
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As far as fixing this is concerned, it's possibly not an Adobe issue. The encoder is bought in from Fraunhofer, and this only gets changed/updated when there's a major version change. It's possible that the ID3 information sent from Audition to the encoder doesn't get written properly at whatever point it gets integrated into the file, and that's the encoder's job. Would need a developer to confirm this, though...
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Hesitant to bring such an old thread, However. I am still having this issue over 2 years after this thread. If that's the case that's a huge issue!
I cannot get a date to keep for a wave file in the id3 metadata panel. I can get it to remember 0000 as stated in the post above. I've had a look around for any movement on this issue and cannot seem to find any.
Can someone point me to the fix/workaround and can we get this moved up the bug fix list? I am uploading sounds for CC attribution and I would like this field populated for those using my sounds.
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I also have this issue with all the podcasts that I export. The date is incorrect and keeps saying:
19-Apr-19 1:38:41 PM
Please fix this ongoing bug.
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Any movement on this one? This is kind of a major issue for our podcasting clients. I'm able to save the null string but this is very frustrating.
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Yes this is absolutely unacceptable to have this type of bug and it isn't even fixed by now. This is a major problem, when I would need to have a proper date in this field for podcast I am editing!
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Okay, and update of a sort. I have to tell you that as it stands, it's intended behaviour, and not a bug. It's not necessarily desirable as it stands - obviously - although how it will be resolved is not yet clear. Firstly, it's worth reading the other thread about this (that admittedly I'd forgotten about until Audition's product manager reminded me of it), and that's here. If you want to sum up the gist of it, it's about origination times and a record of events. In summary, it's been suggested that "...this field is captured from xmp.CreateDate which is the date the (original) document was created. Like similar timestamps in photo metadata, it reflects the day and time of the capture of the original source, and derivatives should have some record of that history. However, it may not be the right field to populate Recording Date."
The bug report that was set up is still under review, and there are, apparently, differences of opinion about resolving it. The good news is that I've potentially prompted a review, which should resolve this once and for all. Bearing in mind the foregoing, if you want to put forward reasoned arguments as to what you want from the associated metadata fields, put them in this thread. I cannot guarantee what might happen as a consequence, obviously, but this can be fed in.
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I would like recording date to be the current date and able to be edited.
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Go to RIFF and change the date. Put only the year "2022"
Save the files and check, ID3 will change as well.