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Audio edited to my liking but once I exit the multitrack it's off by a tick

New Here ,
Aug 24, 2022 Aug 24, 2022

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I'm having a reoccuring issue with Adobe Audition as I edit my podcast. I record my tracks with riversidefx. I then make basic edits in a multitrack session (noise gating, optimize volume, etc); export my session to audacity to truncate the silence, and then import to a new Adobe Audition multitrack session for second stage editing. There, I ripple delete the "ums" and egregious breaths and insert some silences for dramatic effect. No matter if I've repeatedly saved my work, if I close the multitrack session and re-open - all my edits are off by a tick. Just enough to make them unusable (the beginning of an "um" or "breath" re-appears, a word is paritally cut off, the fade ins are now just off, etc).

I've talked to several people, including support at Adobe and nobody has any clue why this is happening or if it's something I'm doing. At this point, I'm manuelling exporting paritally edited tracks each editing session to save my work. Suggestions? 

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