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Audio recorded directly into Audition is off by a few frames

Contributor ,
Mar 31, 2021 Mar 31, 2021

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For months I just assumed that my mixing desk or camera must have mismatched somehow with each other and that's why I had this small (but fixable) drift between Mic audio and camera audio.


This week, I recorded a screen capture at the same time as our YT Show to go with it, and the audio from the screen capture matches up PERFECTLY with the camera ( this is still using our mics ) yet the Audition audio is still off by a few frames (and needs to be stretched)

This means that the culprit is Audition and I can't figure out why it would be doing this? The sameple rate is 48000 for both so it isn't that, bit depth is 32, anything else that could be causing this shift?

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