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Audition 1.5 multi-session recording problem

New Here ,
Aug 19, 2020 Aug 19, 2020

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I use Audition1.5 for my recording. It is older software but it has always worked perfectly for what i need. 


I have a Lynx two a soundcard and  have been recording in multisession 2 tracks of stereo 44.1kHz 32bit audio. [Lynx input3+4 and input1+2]


This was working fine till this morning. Now the multisession recording doesnt seem to be recording any audio. I have problems in edit mode too but I have a work around. I start recording the audio in another software then end that and switch back to audition and the edit mode recording works. But not multisession. Inputs are set correct.


I dont know what changed since yesterday. doesnt look like there was any autoupdate installed. any troubleshooting tips? I was using audition for some data collection and would hate to not be able to use it for the rest.

Audio hardware , Freeze or hang , Version 3 and earlier






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