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audition 3.1

New Here ,
Jan 02, 2021 Jan 02, 2021

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hello there... I am new to the community and haveing problems with my adobe audition 3... it is not letting me access my projects anymore, says there is an error in the required application  library, please reinstall the  application, ,... I see from other post that are old 2016-18  etc about Looking to activate Creative Suite 2, Acrobat 7, or Macromedia products? but cannot seem to get anything but the  instruction downloads pdf files... is it true now that adobe audition is just dead now ??? my old system  will never work again ??? I have win 7 and reciently cloned my HD to a new one, but I dont thnk AU was working before that, last time I used it was about 5 months ago... I am an older user and cannot figure out WHAT is going on, or how to get my system up and running again... some how I need a step by step way to resolve this issue... thanks in advance, gittargary@gmail.com 

Audio hardware , Crash , How to , User interface or workspaces , Version 3 and earlier






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