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Hi. When i open project, adobe audition crashes. This only happens with these 5 projects.
I tried to open with shift, disable vst, and use the old versions audition.
OS windows 10. Thank you.
logs and sesx file
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Hi игорьд24207057,
I'm so sorry for the poor experience. What is the exact dot version of the app? FAQ: How to find the exact version of Premiere Pro you're using?
Have you tried launching the app first and then open the project?
In which version of Audition the projects are created?
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1. Adobe Audition CC 2019 v12.0.1.34.
2. Yes, I tried to start the application first. Another project of that time opened without problems.
3. The projects was created in adobe audition 2015.2 or 2017
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As far as the crash is concerned, then it's probably a wise idea to follow the instructions here: Audition Crashed. Now what?
But actually, this sounds like it's related to something strange happening in the session file, and with a bit of luck Suite spot (resident session file guru) will spot this, and give you a helping hand - he's good like that...
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Thanks, mail on sent yesterday. I hope to answer.
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Checking them out now.....
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There isn't anything jumping out at me as being an obvious blocker
There are a couple of things I would suggest to try to at least narrow down the cause....
1. All the sessions reference this video file "D:\Work\Nestle\film8\лил\Nestle_Urok_8_1_Ispr.mp4"
I would rename that file so that Audition can't find it to load it
Try and open the session - if it doesn't open or Audition crashes move on to try point 2
2. Most of the media referenced in the sessions is in a subfolder below D:\Work\Nestle\
Move your session file eg. nestle_film8_2.sesx to another drive and temporarily rename D:\Work\Nestle to say D:\Work\Nestle-Old
That way when you open the session file Audition won't find the media - if it still crashes move to point 3 (don't forget to rename that folder back to it's original name
3. Are you still using the same audio hardware you were using back in September 2016?
The ESI 1010 ?
4. Email me an sesx that doesn't crash your system - email to
5. If all else fails I have one or two other things to try
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1. Points 1 and 2 not working,
3. No, i'm use the m-audio mobile pre
4. Ok, sent email.
5. Thank for the help!
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How did you get on with this?
I'm having the same problem, copied some of the troubleshooting here and still got same issue.
There's two things that changed for me before this started happening.
1. My Adobe subscription may have been suspended from a missed payment.
2. I had to reconnect my audio interface.
Most other projects open fine but there are a few old ones that don't.
Relocated my sesx file, renamed the original folder, still crashed (eliminates media as the problem).