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Audition crashed, now some of my clips are missing

New Here ,
May 12, 2021 May 12, 2021

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I'm editing audio that I brought into Audition from Premiere using the interchange. Throughout the process it has shown all my clips in the Multitrack view, and then I've been able to double-click each clip to edit it in Waveform view. I was working on a clip in Waveform when Audition crashed. It restarted in Multitrack view, and there are 2 clips missing. I checked the Temp folder on my main drive and there are no backups there. There is a backup folder within the Audition Interchange folder inside the Premiere Project folder, but all of those backups are also missing those same clips. And the clips are totally missing from the Multitrack, not like in Premiere when the clip is still on the Timeline and you can just click on it to relink it. How can I restore the session or just get those 2 clips back where they're supposed to be?MissingClips.JPGSystem Info.JPG

Crash , How to






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Community Expert ,
May 12, 2021 May 12, 2021

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It's not files that get backed up - only session data. Audition wouldn't have destroyed your clips, but there's a very good chance that it will be something in the interchange that hasn't gone as smoothly as it should. The first thing you should do is to find out why Audition crashed; without that knowledge we can get nowhere. The crash logs are available from the Help menu. There's no guarantee that we will be able to see immediately what's happened, and you may need to send all the log files to Adobe for them to look at if it's not obvious. Do the files still exist in your Premiere session?





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New Here ,
May 12, 2021 May 12, 2021

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I've attached the logs I found that were modified about 30 mins after the crash (are they the right ones?).


The clips are still in place in Premiere. I was thinking I could just send everything from Premiere to Audition again, but I'm pretty sure that would make me have to start all over in Audition. I really don't mind starting over on just those 2 clips, but is there a way to pull them over into this Audition session and retain the way I have it trimmed so I can plug them into the track?





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Mentor ,
May 12, 2021 May 12, 2021

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Assuming you are on a PC (if not do steps 1 to 4 and send the 2 sesx files to me info@aatranslator.com.au I'll send the results back and you continue on from step 7)

What I would probably do is this...

1. Make a complete backup of your Audition session and put it somewhere safe

2. Make a backup of your Premiere session and put it somewhere safe

3. Send everything from Premiere to Audition again

4. Rename one of or both of the sesx files

5. Download and install sesx2sesx 

6. Using Ses2Sesx combine the two sessions

7. Remove all the unwanted bits

8. Redo the two missing clips





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