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Hi. I'm using Adobe Audtion CC 2019 (the newer versions don't work well with my plugins for some reason). At any rate, wondering if anyone can tell me how to import my session templates and effect presets from a complete back up of my computer. Those templates and presets are the fruits of 2 years of tweaking and it would save me a lot of time if I could import them.
Basically, I'm presuming that there is some hidden folder(s) on the back up that I can copy onto the hard drive of my new computer - so the question is where do I find them on my old computer (back up) and where do I place them so that Audition can find them on my new computer?
Thanks in advance for any help.
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I'm assuming that this is a PC - you haven't said. Your session templates are stored at the location you specify in Preferences - the default is C:\Users\Public\Documents\Adobe\Audition\[version number]\Session Templates.
Everything else is in your Preferences folder. This is located at C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Audition\[version number] Copy everything from this location and replace the contents of the 'vanilla' folder that Audition created when it was reinstalled - it will be the same path you are looking for.
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Thanks for you kind reply. I'm actually on a Mac (sorry for not specifying) using Catalina. I am able to open the app from the back up, so let me see if I can figure out where it saves them. If you know the default for Mac let me know. If I find the folder and succeed in transfering it I'll let you know.
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So I found the file on the back up, but I can't find where to put it in my Mac.