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Audtion not saving the last letter of metadata

New Here ,
Jun 27, 2022 Jun 27, 2022

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When I compose and export music as a wav file in Acid Pro 10 I can export the project markers and properties (artist, track name, copyright details etc) and this all correctly shows when I view the wav files in Windows Explorer (Windows version 11).


I've been mastering files in Audition (CS5.5) and saving them then uploading them to my site here https://www.scamblermusic.com/royalty-free-music-downloads/ 

As I was uploading files I noticed Windows Explorer was missing the last letter of the artist, title and contributing artists. I checked the meta data in the exported Acid wav file and that was all correct. I also checked the metadata in the same file once it was loaded into Audition and it was also correct, however, the second I save the file in Audtion the last letter of each bit of metadata vanishes.


This isn't just a Windows Explorer issue either - I can play the files in different media players and view them on difference devices and the last letter is missing on all devices and software.

Having searched online I can't find any FAQs, forum topics or support docs relating to this problem and it has me baffled, and I also can't edit and fix the file details to correct them (using the "Remove Properties and Personal Information" option).

Has anyone come across the issue of Audition losing letters from metadata when it saves?

Export , Playback






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Community Expert ,
Jun 27, 2022 Jun 27, 2022

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Yes this is known about in CS5.5 and has subsequently been repaired - you need to update your version, as no retrospective fixes are issued for any given version; they effectively become the next version.





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New Here ,
Jun 30, 2022 Jun 30, 2022

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Thanks for getting back to me, but this is a new issue in regularly used software. I've been using CS5.5 for ages and I've outputted numerous Wav and MP3 files without any previous corruption of the metadata, then all of a sudden the last letter is dropping off the title and artist name, but I haven't changed anything.





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