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I was trying to record my first podcast episode today. When I went back over it to listen to what I had already recorded, I noticed at some point the audio just stops. It still looks as if it's recording and if you move the line forward or backwards over those areas you can hear speed up audio or backwards talking. But if you just press play over whats already been recorded you can listen for a little while and then the sound just stops. Any ideas why? I followed the tutorial before I started. But 30secs for a intro doesn't seem to be a problem. Talking for 3-5 minutes and go back to listen to it thats when the problem starts. I guess around minute 3 the audio cuts but it's still recording. And I don't think it's my mic because it records fine (although the quality isn't great) in a different recording program, which I would use instead but it doesn't let you edit your audio afterwards.
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We need a little more basic information here - Mac or a PC? Multitrack view or Waveform view? And have you just plugged the mic into the side of the computer, or are you using any sort of external sound device? You are correct though - won't be anything to do with the mic iteself, however poor it is.
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Oh I'm sorry that makes sense. It's a PC. I was in Multitrack view. The mic is a USB plugin.
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If you double-click on the file so that it opens up in Waveform view, does all of it play then?
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Well I deleted the orginal file but I finally tried it again and record for 10mins in multitrack view and listened back to it and I could hear the whole thing no problem. I don't know what the problem was before but thank you for taking an interest and trying to help. I hope whatever the problem was doesn't happen again.