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Cannot edit in Audition from Premiere Pro - random general errors

Engaged ,
Nov 09, 2021 Nov 09, 2021

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Hi, I'm running the latest Pr 22.0.0. and Audition on a PC, AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor 3.70 GHz, 32GB RAM, NVIDIA GEForce RTX 2070 with the latest graphic drivers.


Since doing the latest update to 2022 I am getting random general errors when right-clicking a clip in Premiere and selecting 'Edit clip in Adobe Audition'. This first started happening with GoPro footage so I thought this was specific to those clips, but it turns out it is happening completely randomly on my GH5 and Sony A7C footage as well. When I say 'random', I just managed to edited my first clip without issue, moved onto the next clip and this error occurs.




I have never seen this before and have never had problems with any of my footage from any of my cameras before. The files are not corrupt as they open and play OK within Premiere and other apps. I have already re-installed Audition but since there is no error code to look into, I am at a loss as to what to do next.


Any tips on what to do next?







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Community Expert ,
Nov 10, 2021 Nov 10, 2021

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It certainly shouldn't happen, and from looking at the first part of the path that's failed I have one idea - and that's to try it again with no spaces anywhere in the file path. Yes I know that shouldn't make a difference in this day and age, but you never know... The only other thing that it might be related to is drive access. If you have Premiere open with Admin rights, but for some reason Audition isn't opened with the same rights, then files might well be available to Premiere that simply aren't to Audition. So try it again, only right-click on the Audition icon and make sure it's opened with 'Run as Administrator' selected.


But the real problem is that unless we can get a solid reproduction case for the failure, it's going to be incredibly hard to troubleshoot. If I can think of anything else, I'll post it.





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Engaged ,
Nov 10, 2021 Nov 10, 2021

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Hi Steve, thanks for getting back to me.


I started going through your suggestions and then realised in trying to solve a previous problem, which I've posted about in the Pr forum and not yet fixed, I had changed the association of the registry key as suggested here. I reverted back to the default setting by deleting the data value, closed down Pr and Au, opened again and the problem has gone away. I can now activate the audio filein Au via Pr. Phew!


Sorry for wasting your time and thank you for responding.






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Community Expert ,
Nov 11, 2021 Nov 11, 2021

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It's not a waste of time at all - it has a link to a solution, although why it happened is slightly less than clear. The registry association setting should have been updated when the new versions of both apps were installed, but for some reason that appears not to have happened in your case. Thanks for reporting back.





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New Here ,
Nov 11, 2021 Nov 11, 2021

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Not only have I recently been seeing similar notices when I open files, but today i had the old problem with "your trial has ended",  which is ridiculous because I have been paying monthly for a couple of years or so. BUT i was not allowed to get into audition this morning because of it. 

BUT it gets worse. I have been on 13 because 14 gave me so many digital blocking problems on the spectral display and the only way I could get on to audition this am was to agree to update to 22 and that has destroyed me. I have lost all my carefully worked out pre sets EVERY ONE OF THEM. I have spent hours with Adobe today and even with them taking over remotely their support has been incapable to help. So they are riniging back tomorrow.


In the meantime, all my so carefully worked out EQ,Compression, limit, gates presets which i have worked so hard on in the last 6 months have been wiped out by Adobe updating me to V 0.22.


Last time Steve directed me to the files for 13 when I had the same problem, but this time that hasnt worked.


I am in the middle of such an important project and I am devastated by this..Anyone else have the same prob.





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